S.chand books class 8 maths solution chapter 19 Special Types of Quadrilaterals exercise 19 B


Q1 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 1

In a parallelogram PQRS, ∠S=75° .Determine the measures of ∠P and ∠Q.

Sol :

Q2 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 2

The measures of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 2:7. Find the measure of each of the parallelogram.

Sol :

Q3 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 3

Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are 6x-17° and x+63°. Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.

Sol :

Q4 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 4

Can a quadrilateral ABCD be a parallelogram , if
(i) AB=DC=5cm, AD=3.8cm and BC=3.6cm
(ii) ∠A=95° , ∠B=75°
(iii) ∠B=105° , ∠D=75°

Sol :

Q5 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 5

EFGH is a parallelogram.Find x, y and z . Also , state the properties you use to find them.

Sol :

Q6 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 6

ABCD and EFGH are parallelograms. Find the measure of x

Sol :

Q7 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 7

PQRS is a parallelogram. Find x and y. The given lengths are in cm

Sol :

Diagonals bisect each other in parallelogram



also, x+y=16



Q8 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 8

In a ΔABC, D, E, F are respectively, the mid-points of BC , CA and AB. If the lengths of sides AB,BC and CA are 17 cm, 18 cm and 19 cm respectively, find the perimeter of ΔDEF

Sol :

The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long as the third side.

Q9 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 9

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which ∠A=60°. If the bisectors of ∠A and ∠B meet at P,prove that AD=DP,PC=BC and DC=2AD

Sol :

Q10 | Ex-19D | Class-8 | Composite maths | Special Types of Quadrilaterals | Schand | Chapter 19 | myhelper

Question 10

In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram and E is the mid-point of side BC. If DE and AB when produced meet at F, prove that AF=2AB.

Sol :

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