Q1 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 1:

In ∆ABC, if ∠B = 76° and ∠C = 48°, find ∠A.

Answer 1:

In ∆ABC,∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]




Q2 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 2:

The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. Find the angles.

Answer 2:

Let the angles of the given triangle measure (2x)°, (3x)° and (4x)°, respectively.
2x+3x+4x=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]
Hence, the measures of the angles are 2×20°=40°, 3×20°=60° and 4×20°=80°.

Q3 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 3:

In ∆ABC, if 3∠A = 4 ∠B = 6 ∠C, calculate ∠A, ∠B and ∠C.

Answer 3:

Let 3∠A=4∠B=6∠C=x°.
$\angle A=\left(\frac{x}{3}\right)^{\circ}$ ,$\angle B=\left(\frac{x}{4}\right)^{\circ}$  , $\angle C=\left(\frac{x}{6}\right)^{\circ}$ 

∴ $\frac{x}{3}+\frac{x}{4}+\frac{x}{6}=180^{\circ}$ [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

$\angle A=\left(\frac{240}{3}\right)^{\circ}$=80°
$\angle B=\left(\frac{240}{4}\right)^{\circ}$=60°
$\angle C=\left(\frac{240}{6}\right)^{\circ}$=40°

Q4 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 4:

In ∆ABC, if ∠A + ∠B = 108° and ∠B + ∠C = 130°, find ∠A, ∠B and ∠C.

Answer 4:

Let ∠A+∠B=108° and ∠B+∠C=130°.

⇒(∠A+∠B+∠C)+∠B=238° [∵∠A+∠B+∠C=180°]



∴ ∠C=130°−∠B

∴ ∠A=108°−∠B

Q5 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 5:

In ∆ABC, ∠A + ∠B = 125° and ∠A + ∠C = 113°. Find ∠A, ∠B and ∠C.

Answer 5

Let ∠A+∠B=125° and ∠A+∠C=113°.




∴ ∠B=125°−∠A

∴∠C=113°− ∠A

Q6 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 6:

In ∆PQR, if ∠P − ∠Q = 42° and ∠Q − ∠R = 21°, find ∠P, ∠Q and ∠R.

Answer 6

Given: ∠P−∠Q=42° and ∠Q−∠R=21°
∠P=42°+∠Q and ∠R=∠Q−21°

∴42°+∠Q+∠Q+∠Q−21°=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]





Q7 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 7:

The sum of two angles of a triangle is 116° and their difference is 24°. Find the measure of each angle of the triangle.

Answer 7:

Let ∠A+∠B=116° and ∠A−∠B=24°




Also, in ∆ ABC:
∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]



Q8 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 8:

Two angles of a triangle are equal and the third angle is greater than each one of them by 18°. Find the angles.

Answer 8:

Let ∠A=∠B and ∠C=∠A+18°.
∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]∠A+∠A+∠A+18°=180°

Q9 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 9:

Of the three angles of a triangle, one is twice the smallest and another one is thrice the smallest. Find the angles.

Answer 9:

Let the smallest angle of the triangle be ∠C and let ∠A=2∠C and ∠B=3∠C.


Q10 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 10:

In a right-angled triangle, one of the acute angles measures 53°. Find the measure of each angle of the triangle.

Answer 10:

Let ABC be a triangle right-angled at B.
Then, B=90°  and let A=53°.
A+B+C=180°   Sum of the angles of a triangle53°+90°+C=180°C=37°
Hence, A=53°, B=90° and C=37°.

Q11 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 11:

If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is right-angled.

Answer 11:

Let ABC be a triangle.
A+B+C=180°   Sum of the angles of a triangleB+C+B+C=180°2B+C=180°B+C=90°A=90°   A=B+C
This implies that the triangle is right-angled at A.

Q12 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 12:

If each angle of a triangle is less than the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is acute-angled.

Answer 12:

Let ABC be the triangle.
Let A<B+C
2A<A+B+C   Adding A to both sides2A<180°   A+B+C =180°A<90°

Also, let B<A+C
2B<A+B+C   Adding B to both sides2B<180°   A+B+C =180°B<90°

And let C<A+B
2C<A+B+C   Adding C to both sides2C<180°   A+B+C =180°C<90°

Hence, each angle of the triangle is less than 90°.
Therefore, the triangle is acute-angled.

Q13 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 13:

If one angle of a triangle is greater than the sum of the other two, show that the triangle is obtuse-angled.

Answer 13:

Let ABC be a triangle and let C>A+B.
Then, we have:
2C>A+B+C   Adding C to both sides2C>180°   A+B+C=180°C>90°
Since one of the angles of the triangle is greater than 90°, the triangle is obtuse-angled.

Q14 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 14:

In the given figure, side BC of ∆ABC is produced to D. If ∠ACD = 128° and ∠ABC = 43°, find ∠BAC and ∠ACB.

Answer 14:

Side BC of triangle ABC is produced to D.
ACD=A+B        [Exterior angle property]128°=A+43°A=128-43°A=85°BAC=85°
Also, in triangle ABC,
BAC+ABC+ACB=180°   Sum of the angles of a triangle85°+43°+ACB=180°128°+ACB=180°ACB=52°

Q15 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 15:

In the given figure, the side BC of ∆ ABC has been produced on both sides−on the left to D and on the right to E. If ∠ABD = 106° and ∠ACE = 118°, find the measure of each angle of the triangle.

Answer 15:

Side BC of triangle ABC is produced to D.

ABC=A+C106°=A+C   ...i

Also, side BC of triangle ABC is produced to E.

ACE=A+B118°=A+B   ...ii

Adding (i) and (ii), we get:A+A+B+C=106+118°
A+B+C+A=224°   A+B+C=180°180°+A=224°A=44°

B=118°-A   Using iiB=118-44°B=74°


C=106°-A   Using iC=106-44°C=62°


Q16 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 16:

Calculate the value of x in each of the following figures.

Answer 16:

Side AC of triangle ABC is produced to E.
⇒110°=x+∠C ...(i)

∠ACD+∠ACB=180° [linear pair]
Substituting the value of ∠C in (i), we get x=50

From ∆ABC we have:
∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]


Now in ΔECD,
∴∠AED=∠ECD+∠EDC [exterior angle property]

∠ACB+∠ACD=180° [Linear pair]

∠EAF=∠BAC [Vertically Opposite Angle]
∴∠BAC+∠ABC+∠ACB=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

∠BAE=∠CDE [Alternate angles]
∴∠ECD+∠CDE+∠CED=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

From ΔABC, we have
∠BAC+∠ABC+∠ACB=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

Also, from EBD, we have
⇒∠BED+∠EBD+∠BDE=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

From ΔABE , we have
∠BAE+∠ABE+∠AEB=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]
∴∠AEB=∠CED [Vertically Opposite angles]

Also, Form ΔCDE, we have
∠ECD+∠CDE+∠CED=180°  [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

Q17 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 17:

In the figure given alongside, AB || CD, EF || BC, ∠BAC = 60º and ∠DHF = 50º. Find ∠GCH and ∠AGH. 

Answer 17:

In the given figure, AB || CD and AC is the transversal.

∴ ∠ACD = ∠BAC = 60º     (Pair of alternate angles)

Or ∠GCH = 60º

Now, ∠GHC = ∠DHF = 50º      (Vertically opposite angles)

In ∆GCH,

∠AGH = ∠GCH + ∠GHC       (Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles)

⇒ ∠AGH = 60º + 50º = 110º

Q18 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 18:

Calculate the value of x in the given figure.

Answer 18:

Join A and D to produce AD to E.

Side AD of triangle ACD is produced to E.
   (Exterior angle property)
Side AD of triangle ABD is produced to E.
   (Exterior angle property)



Q19 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 19:

In the given figure, AD divides ∠BAC in the ratio 1 : 3 and AD = DB. Determine the value of x.

Answer 19:

∠BAC+∠CAE=180° [∵BE is a straight line]

∵BE is a straight line



Now, divide 72°72° in the ratio 1 : 3.


∴a=18° and 3a=54°

Hence, the angles are 18° and 54°

∴∠BAD=18° and ∠DAC=54°

∴∠BAD=18° and ∠DAC=54°



In ∆ABC, we have:
∠BAC+∠ABC+∠ACB=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]



∴ x=90

Q20 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 20:

If the sides of a triangle are produced in order, prove that the sum of the exterior angles so formed is equal to four right angles.

Answer 20:

Side BC of triangle ABC is produced to D.
∠ACD=∠B+∠A ...(i)
Side AC of triangle ABC is produced to E.
∠BAC=∠B+∠C ...(i)
And side AB of triangle ABC is produced to F.
∠CBF=∠C+∠A ...(iii)

Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get:∠ACD+∠BAE+∠CBF=2(∠A+∠B+∠C)
Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get:∠ACD+∠BAE+∠CBF=2∠A+∠B+∠C
=4 right angles
Hence, the sum of the exterior angles so formed is equal to four right angles.

Q21 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 21:

In the adjoining figure, show that
A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E + ∠F = 360°.

Answer 21:

In ∆ACE, we have :
∠A+∠C+∠E=180° ...(i) [Sum of the angles of a triangle]
In ∆BDF∆BDF, we have :
∠B+∠D+∠F=180° ...(ii) [Sum of the angles of a triangle]​

Adding (i) and (ii), 
we get:∠A+∠C+∠E+∠B+∠D+∠F=(180+180)°

Q22 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 22:

In the given figure, AMBC and AN is the bisector of ∠A. If ∠ABC = 70° and ∠ACB = 20°, then ∠MAN = ?

Answer 22:

In ∆ABC, we have:
∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

In ∆ABM, we have:
∠ABM+∠AMB+∠BAM=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

Q23 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 23:

In the given figure, BAD || EF, ∠AEF = 55° and ∠ACB = 25°, find ∠ABC.

Answer 23:

In the given figure, EF || BD and CE is the transversal.

∴ ∠CAD = ∠AEF         (Pair of corresponding angles)

⇒ ∠CAD = 55°

In ∆ABC,

∠CAD = ∠ABC + ∠ACB       (Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles)

⇒ 55° = ∠ABC + 25°

⇒ ∠ABC = 55° − 25° = 30°

Thus, the measure of ∠ABC is 30°.


Q24 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 24:

In the given figure, ABC is a triangle in which ∠A : ∠B : ∠C = 3 : 2 : 1 and ACCD. Find the measure of ∠ECD.

Answer 24:

Let ∠A=(3x)°, ∠B=(2x)° and ∠C=x°
From ∆ABC, we have:
∠A+∠B+∠C=180° [Sum of the angles of a triangle]

 ∠B=230°=60° and ∠C=30°

Side BC of triangle ABC is produced to E.

Q25 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 25:

In the given figure, AB || DE and BD || FG such that ∠ABC = 50° and ∠FGH = 120°. Find the values of x and y.

Answer 25:

We have, ∠FGE + ∠FGH = 180°       (Linear pair of angles)

y + 120° = 180°

⇒ y = 180° − 120° = 60°

Now, AB || DF and BD is the transversal.

∴ ∠ABD = ∠BDF           (Pair of alternate angles)

⇒ ∠BDF = 50°

Also, BD || FG and DF is the transversal.

∴ ∠BDF = ∠DFG           (Pair of alternate angles)

⇒ ∠DFG = 50°       .....(1)

In ∆EFG,

∠FGH = ∠EFG + ∠FEG       (Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles)

⇒ 120° = 50° + x                   [Using (1)]

⇒ x = 120° − 50° = 70°

Thus, the values of x and y are 70° and 60°, respectively.

Q26 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 26:

In the given figure, AB || CD and EF is a transversal. If ∠AEF = 65°, ∠DFG = 30°, ∠EGF = 90° and ∠GEF = x°, find the value of x.

Answer 26:

It is given that, AB || CD and EF is a transversal.

∴ ∠EFD = ∠AEF          (Pair of alternate angles)

⇒ ∠EFD = 65°

⇒ ∠EFG + ∠GFD = 65° 

⇒ ∠EFG + 30° = 65°

⇒ ∠EFG = 65° − 30° = 35°

In ∆EFG, 

∠EFG + ∠GEF + ∠EGF = 180°           (Angle sum property)

⇒ 35° + x + 90° = 180°

⇒ 125° + x = 180°

⇒ x = 180° − 125° = 55°

Thus, the value of x is 55°.

Q27 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 27:

In the given figure, AB || CD, ∠BAE = 65° and ∠OEC = 20°. Find ∠ECO.

Answer 27:

In the given figure, AB || CD and AE is the transversal.

∴ ∠DOE = ∠BAE         (Pair of corresponding angles)

⇒ ∠DOE = 65°

In ∆COE,

∠DOE = ∠OEC + ∠ECO          (Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two opposite interior angles)

⇒ 65° = 20° + ∠ECO

⇒ ∠ECO = 65° − 20° = 45°

Thus, the measure of ∠ECO is 45°.

Q28 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 28:

In the given figure, AB || CD and EF is a transversal, cutting them at G and H respectively. If ∠EGB = 35° and QP ⊥ EF, find the measure of ∠PQH.

Answer 28:

In the given figure, AB || CD and EF is a transversal.

∴ ∠PHQ = ∠EGB          (Pair of alternate exterior angles)

⇒ ∠PHQ = 35°

In ∆PHQ,

∠PHQ + ∠QPH + ∠PQH = 180°     (Angle sum property)

⇒ 35° + 90° + x = 180°

⇒ 125° + x = 180°

x = 180° − 125° = 55°

Thus, the measure of ∠PQH is 55°.

Q29 | Ex-8 |Class 9 | RS AGGARWAL | TRIANGLES |Ch-8 |myhelper

Question 29:

In the given figure, AB || CD and EF ⊥ AB. If EG is the transversal such that ∠GED = 130°, find ∠EGF.

Answer 29:

In the given figure, AB || CD and GE is the transversal.

∴ ∠GED + ∠EGF = 180°       (Sum of adjacent interior angles on the same side of the transversal is supplementary)

⇒ 130° + ∠EGF = 180°

⇒ ∠EGF = 180° − 130° = 50°

Thus, the measure of ∠EGF is 50°.

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