RS Aggarwal solution class 8 chapter 17 Construction of Quadrilaterals Test Paper 17

Test Paper 17


Q1 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 1:

Define the terms:
(i) Open curve
(ii) Closed curve
(iii) Simple closed curve

Answer 1:

( i) Open curve: An open curve is a curve where the beginning and end points are different.
Example:     Parabola

(ii) Closed Curve: A curve that joins up so there are no end points.
Example: Ellipse

(iii) Simple closed curve:  A closed curve that does not intersect itself.

Q2 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 2:

The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. Find the measure of each angle.

Answer 2:

Let the angles be (x)°, (2x)°, (3x)° and (4x)°.
Sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360.


The angles of the quadrilateral are 36, 72, 108 and 144.

Q3 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 3:

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 2 : 3. Find the measure of each of its angles.

Answer 3:

Let the two adjacent angles of the parallelogram be (2x)° and (3x)°.
Sum of any two adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180.

 2x+3x =1805x=180x=36


Measures of the angles are 72 and 108.

Q4 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 4:

The sides of a rectangle are in the ratio 4 : 5 and its perimeter is 180 cm. Find its sides.

Answer 4:

Let the length be 4x cm and the breadth be 5x cm.
Perimeter of the rectangle =180 cm
Perimeter of the rectangle=2(l+b)

Length=4x cm=4×10=40 cmBreadth=5x cm=5×10=50 cm

Q5 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 5:

Prove that the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles.

Answer 5:

Rhombus is a parallelogram.



AOB and CODOAB=OCD     (alternate angle)ODC=OBA    (alternate angle)DOC=AOB     (vertically opposite angles)AOBCOBAO=COOB=OD

Therefore, the diagonals bisects at O.

Now, let us prove that the diagonals intersect each other at right angles.

Consider CODand COB:
CD=CB         (all sides of a rhombus are equal)CO=CO         (common side)OD=OB         (point O bisects BD)

COD = COB          (corresponding parts of congruent triangles)

Further, COD+COB=180°     (linear pair)


It is proved that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of each other.

Q6 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 6:

The diagonals of a rhombus are 16 cm and 12 cm. Find the length of each side of the rhombus.

Answer 6:

All the sides of a rhombus are equal in length.
The diagonals of a rhombus intersect at 90.
The diagonal and the side of a rhombus form right triangles.

AB2=AO 2+OB2       =82+62       =64+36       =100AB=10 cm
Therefore, the length of each side of the rhombus is 10 cm.

Q7 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 7:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x − 2)° and (50 − x)°. The measures of all its angles are
(a) 97°, 83°, 97°, 83°
(b) 37°, 143°, 37°, 143°
(c) 76°, 104°, 76°, 104°
(d) none of these

Answer 7:

(b) 37o, 143o, 37o 143o

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.

Therefore, the first and the second angles are:
Sum of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is 180.
Adjacent angles = 180-37=143

Q8 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 8:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
The angles of quadrilateral are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 7 : 9. The measure of the largest angle is
(a) 63°
(b) 72°
(c) 81°
(d) none of these

Answer 8:

(d) none of the these

Let the angles be (x)°, (3x)°, (7x)° and (9x)°.

Sum of the angles of the quadrilateral is 360.


Angles: (3x)°=(3×18)=54(7x)°=(7×18)°=126(9x)°=(9×18)°=162

Q9 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 9:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
The length of a rectangle is 8 cm and each of its diagonals measures 10 cm. The breadth of the rectangle is
(a) 5 cm
(b) 6 cm
(c) 7 cm
(d) 9 cm

Answer 9:

(b) 6 cm
Let the breadth of the rectangle be x cm.
Diagonal =10 cm
Length= 8 cm
The rectangle is divided into two right triangles.
Diagonal2= Length2+ Breadth2102=82+x2100-64=x2x2=36x=6 cm

Breadth of the rectangle = 6 cm

Q10 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 10:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
In a square PQRS, if PQ = (2x + 3) cm and QR = (3x − 5) cm then
(a) x = 4
(b) x = 5
(c) x = 6
(d) x = 8

Answer 10:

(d) x = 8
All sides of a square are equal.

PQ=QR(2x+3)=(3x-5)=>2x-3x=-5-3=>x=8 cm

Q11 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 11:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
The bisectors of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram intersect at
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°

Answer 11:

(d) 90°

We know that the opposite sides and the angles in a parallelogram are equal.

Also, its adjacent sides are supplementary, i.e. sum of the sides is equal to 180.
Now, the bisectors of these angles form a triangle, whose two angles are:

 A2andB2 or A2=(90-A2)Sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.A2+90-A2+O=180O=180-90O=90

Hence, the two bisectors intersect at right angles.

Q12 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 12:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
How many diagonals are there in a hexagon?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10

Answer 12:

(c) 9
Hexagon has six sides.
Number of diagonals = n(n-3)2              (where n is the number of sides)=6(6-3)2=9

Q13 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 13:

Mark (✓) against the correct answer:
Each interior angle of a polygon is 135. How many sides does it have?
(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 5

Answer 13:

(b) 8
Interior angle=180(n-2)n135=180(n-2)n135n=180n-360360=180n-135nn=8

It has 8 sides.

Q14 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 14:

Fill in the blanks.
For a convex polygon of n sides, we have:
(i) Sum of all exterior angles = .........
(ii) Sum of all interior angles = .........
(iii) Number of diagonals = .........

Answer 14:

(i) Sum of all exterior angles =  360

(ii) Sum of all interior angles = (n-2)×180°

(iii) Number of diagonals = n(n-3)2

Q15 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 15:

Fill in the blanks.
For a regular polygon of n sides, we have:
(i) Sum of all exterior angles = .........
(ii) Sum of all interior angles = .........

Answer 15:

(i) Sum of all exterior angles of a regular polygon is 360.

(ii) Sum of all interior angles of a polygon is (n-2)×180°, where n is the number of sides.

Q16 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 16:

Fill in the blanks.
(i) Each interior angle of a regular octagon is (.........)°.
(ii) The sum of all interior angles of a regular hexagon is (.........)°.
(iii) Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60°. This polygon is a .........
(iv) Each interior angle of a regular polygon is 108°. This polygon is a .........
(v) A pentagon has ......... diagonals.

Answer 16:

(i) Octagon has 8 sides.
 Interior angle =180°n-360°nInterior angle =(180°×8)-360°8                       =135°
(ii) Sum of the interior angles of a regular hexagon = (6-2)×180=720

(iii) Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60.
Therefore, the given polygon is a hexagon.

(iv) If the interior angle is 108, then the exterior angle will be 72.                (interior and exterior angles are supplementary)
Sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°.

Let there be n sides of a polygon.


Since it has 5 sides, the polygon is a pentagon.

(v) A pentagon has 5 diagonals.

 If n is the number of sides, the number of diagonals = n(n-3)25(5-3)2=5


Q17 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 17:

Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false for each of the following:
(i) The diagonals of a parallelogram are equal.
(ii) The diagonals of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other.
(iii) The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles.
(iv) Every rhombus is a kite.

Answer 17:

(i) F
The diagonals of a parallelogram need not be equal in length.

(ii) F
The diagonals of a rectangle are not perpendicular to each other.

(iii) T

(iv) T

Adjacent sides of a kite are equal and this is also true for a rhombus. Additionally, all the sides of a rhombus are equal to each other.

Q18 | Test Paper 17 | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 17 | Construction of Quadrilaterals


Question 18:

Construct a quadrilateral PQRS in which PQ = 4.2 cm, ∠PQR = 60°, ∠QPS = 120°, QR = 5 cm and PS = 6 cm.

Answer 18:

Steps of construction:
Step 1: Take PQ = 4.2 cm
Step 2: Make XPQ=120, YQP=60
Step 3: Cut an arc of length 5 cm from point Q. Name that point as R.
Step 4: From P, make an arc of length 6 cm. Name that point as S.
Step 5: Join P and S.
Thus, PQRS is a quadrilateral.

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