RS Aggarwal solution class 8 chapter 12 Direct and Inverse Proportions Exercise 12A

Exercise 12A


Q1 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 1:

Observe the tables given below and in each one find whether x and y are proportional:

x 3 5 8 11 26
y 9 15 24 33 78

x 2.5 4 7.5 10 14
y 10 16 30 40 42

x 5 7 9 15 18 25
y 15 21 27 60 72 75

Answer 1:

Clearly, xy=39=515=824=1133=2678=13(constant)Therefore, x and y are proportional.

 Clearly, xy=2.510=416=7.530=1040=14, while 1442=13i.e., 2.510=416=7.530=1040is not equal to 1442.Therefore, x and y are not proportional.

 Clearly, xy=515=721=927=2575=13, while 1560=1872=14i.e., 515=721=927=2575is not equal to 1560 and1872.Therefore, x and y are not proportional.

Q2 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 2:

If x and y are directly proportional, find the values of x1 , x2 and y1 in the table given below:

x 3 x1 x2 10
y 72 120 192 y1

Answer 2:

Since x and y are directly propotional, we have: 372=x1120=x2192=10y1Now, 372=x1120x1=120×372 = 5

And, 372 = x2192    x2 = 3 × 19272 = 8
And, 372=10y1y1=72×103=240
Therefore, x1 = 5, x2 = 8 and y1 = 240

Q3 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 3:

A truck covers a distance of 510 km in 34 litres of diesel. How much distance would it cover in 20 litres of diesel?

Answer 3:

Let the required distance be x km. Then, we have:

Quantity of diesel (in litres)  34 20
Distance (in km) 510 x

Clearly, the less the quantity of diesel consumed, the less is the distance covered.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 34510=20x115=20xx×1=20×15=300

Therefore, the required distance is 300 km.

Q4 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 4:

A taxi charges a fare of Rs 2550 for a journey of 150 km. How much would it charge for a journey of 124 km?

Answer 4:

Let the charge for a journey of 124 km be ₹x.

Price(in ₹) 2550 x
Distance(in km) 150 124
More is the distance travelled, more will be the price.
So, it is a case of direct proportion.
Thus, the taxi charges ₹2,108 for the distance of 124 km.

Q5 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 5:

A loaded truck covers 16 km in 25 minutes. At the same speed, how far can it travel in 5 hours?

Answer 5:

Let the required distance be x km. Then, we have:
1 h=60 mini.e., 5 h=5×60=300 min.

Distance (in km)  16 x
Time (in min) 25 300

Clearly, the more the time taken, the more will be the distance covered.

So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 1625=x300x=16×30025x = 192
Therefore, the required distance is 192 km.

Q6 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 6:

If 18 dolls cost Rs 630, how many dolls can be bought for Rs 455?

Answer 6:

Let the required number of dolls be x. Then, we have:

 No of dolls 18 x
Cost of dolls (in rupees) 630 455

Clearly, the less the amount of money, the less will be the number of dolls bought.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 18630=x455135=x455x=45535x=13

Therefore, 13 dolls can be bought for Rs 455.

Q7 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 7:

If 9 kg of sugar costs ₹ 238.50, how much sugar can be bought for ₹ 371?

Answer 7:

Let the quantity of sugar bought for ₹371 be x kg.

Quantity(in kg) 9 x
Price(in ₹) 238.50 371
The price increases as the quantity increases. Thus, this is a case of direct proportion.
Thus, the quantity of sugar bought for ₹371 is 14 kg.

Q8 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 8:

The cost of 15 metres of a cloth is Rs 981. What length of this cloth can be purchased for Rs 1308?

Answer 8:

Let the length of cloth be x m. Then, we have:

Length of cloth (in metres) 15 x
Cost of cloth (in rupees) 981 1308

Clearly, more length of cloth can be bought by more amount of money.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 15981=x1308x=15×1308981x=20

Therefore, 20 m of cloth can be bought for Rs 1,308.


Q9 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 9:

In a model of a ship, the mast is 9 cm high, while the mast of the actual ship is 15m high. If the length of the ship is 35 metres, how long is the model ship?

Answer 9:

Let x m be the length of the model of the ship. Then, we have:
1 m = 100 cmTherefore, 15 m= 1500 cm35 m= 3500 cm

  Length of the mast (in cm) Length of the  ship (in cm)
Actual ship 1500 3500
Model of the ship 9 x

Clearly, if the length of the actual ship is more, then the length of the model ship will also be more.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 15009=3500xx=3500×91500x=21 cm
Therefore, the length of the model of the ship is 21 cm.

Q10 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 10:

In 8 days, the earth picks up (6.4 × 107) kg of dust from the atmosphere. How much dust will it pick up in 15 days?

Answer 10:

Let x kg be the required amount of dust. Then, we have:

No. of days 8 15
Dust (in kg) 6.4×107 x

Clearly, more amount of dust will be collected in more number of days.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 86.4×107=15xx=15×6.4×1078x=12×107

Therefore, 12,00,00,000 kg of dust will be picked up in 15 days.

Q11 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 11:

A car is travelling at the average speed of 50 km/hr. How much distance would it travel in 1 hour 12 minutes?

Answer 11:

Let x km be the required distance. Then, we have:

1 h=60 mini.e., 1h 12 min=(60+12) min=72 min

Distance covered (in km) 50 x
Time (in min) 60 72

Clearly, more distance will be covered in more time.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 5060=x72x=50×7260x=60
Therefore, the distance travelled by the car in 1 h 12 min is 60 km.

Q12 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 12:

Ravi walks at the uniform rate of 5 km/hr. What distance would he cover in 2 hours 24 minutes?

Answer 12:

Let x km be the required distance covered by Ravi in 2 h 24 min.
Then, we have:
1 h=60mini.e., 2 h 24 min=(120+24) min=144 min

Distance covered (in km) 5 x
Time (in min) 60 144

Clearly, more distance will be covered in more time.
So, this is a case of direct proportion.

Therefore, the distance covered by Ravi in 2 h 24 min is 12 km.

Q13 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 13:

If the thickness of a pile of 12 cardboards is 65 mm, find the thickness of a pile of 312 such cardboards.

Answer 13:

Let x mm be the required thickness. Then, we have:

Thickness of cardboard (in mm) 65 x
No. of cardboards 12 312

Clearly, when the number of cardboard is more, the thickness will also be more.
So, it is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 6512=x312x=65×31212x=1690

Therefore, the thickness of the pile of 312 cardboards is 1690 mm.

Q14 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 14:

11 men can dig 634-metre-long trench in one day. How many men should be employed for digging 27-metre-long trench of the same type in one day?

Answer 14:

Let x be the required number of men.

Now, 634 m=274 m

Then, we have:

Number of men 11 x
Length of trench (in metres) 274 27

Clearly, the longer the trench, the greater will be the number of men required.
So, it is a case of direct proportion.
Now, 11274=x2711×427=x27x=44

Therefore, 44 men should be employed to dig a trench of length 27 m.

Q15 | Ex-12A | Class 8 | RS AGGARWAL | chapter 12 | Direct and Inverse Proportions | myhelper

Question 15:

Reenu types 540 words during half an hour. How many words would she type in 8 minutes?

Answer 15:

Let Reenu type x words in 8 minutes.

No. of words 540 x
Time taken (in min) 30 8

Clearly, less number of words will be typed in less time. 
So, it is a case of direct proportion.

Therefore, Reenu will type 144 words in 8 minutes.

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