Question 1:

Which of the following expressions are polynomials? In case of a polynomial, write its degree.
(i) x5-2x3+x+3
(ii) y3+3y
(iii) t2-25t+5
(iv) x100-1
(v) 12x2-2x+2
(vi) x-2+2x-1+3
(vii) 1
(viii) -35
(ix) x22-2x2
(x) 23x2-8
(xi) 12x2
(xii) 15x12+1
(xiii) 35x2-73x+9
(xiv) x4-x32+x-3
(xv) 2x3+3x2+x-1

Answer 1:

(i) x5-2x3+x+3 is an expression having only non-negative integral powers of x. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of x is 5, so, it is a polynomial of degree 5.

(ii) y3+3y is an expression having only non-negative integral powers of y. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of y is 3, so, it is a polynomial of degree 3.

(iii) t2-25t+5 is an expression having only non-negative integral powers of t. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of t is 2, so, it is a polynomial of degree 2.

(iv) x100-1 is an expression having only non-negative integral power of x. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of x is 100, so, it is a polynomial of degree 100.

(v) 12x2-2 x+2 is an expression having only non-negative integral powers of x. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of x is 2, so, it is a polynomial of degree 2.

(vi) x-2+2x-1+3 is an expression having negative integral powers of x. So, it is not a polynomial.

(vii) Clearly, 1 is a constant polynomial of degree 0.

(viii) Clearly, -35 is a constant polynomial of degree 0.

(ix) x22-2x2=x22-2x-2 
This is an expression having negative integral power of x i.e. −2. So, it is not a polynomial.

(x) 23x2-8 is an expression having only non-negative integral power of x. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of x is 2, so, it is a polynomial of degree 2.

(xi) 12x2=12x-2 is an expression having negative integral power of x. So, it is not a polynomial.

(xii) 15x12+1 
In this expression, the power of x is 12 which is a fraction. Since it is an expression having fractional power of x, so, it is not a polynomial.

(xiii) 35x2-73x+9 is an expression having only non-negative integral powers of x. So, it is a polynomial. Also, the highest power of x is 2, so, it is a polynomial of degree 2.

(xiv) x4-x32+x-3
In this expression, one of the powers of x is 32 which is a fraction. Since it is an expression having fractional power of x, so, it is not a polynomial.

(xv) 2x3+3x2+x-1=2x3+3x2+x12-1
In this expression, one of the powers of x is 12 which is a fraction. Since it is an expression having fractional power of x, so, it is not a polynomial.


Question 2:

Identify constant, linear, quadratic, cubic and quartic polynomials from the following.
(i) –7 + x
(ii) 6y
(iii) –z3
(iv) 1 – yy3
(v) xx3 + x4
(vi) 1 + x + x2
(vii) – 6x2
(viii) – 13
(ix) – p

Answer 2:

(i) –7 + x is a polynomial with degree 1. So, it is a linear polynomial.

(ii) 6is a polynomial with degree 1. So, it is a linear polynomial.

(iii) –z3 is a polynomial with degree 3. So, it is a cubic polynomial.

(iv) 1 – y – y3 is a polynomial with degree 3. So, it is a cubic polynomial.

(v) x – x3 + x4 is a polynomial with degree 4. So, it is a quartic polynomial.

(vi) 1 + x + x2 is a polynomial with degree 2. So, it is a quadratic polynomial.

(vii) – 6x2 is a polynomial with degree 2. So, it is a quadratic polynomial.

(viii) –13 is a polynomial with degree 0. So, it is a constant polynomial.

(ix) – p is a polynomial with degree 1. So, it is a linear polynomial.

Question 3:

(i) the coefficient of x3 in x+3x2-5x3+x4.
(ii) the coefficient of x in 3-22x+6x2.
(iii) the coefficient of x2 in 2x – 3 + x3.
(iv) the coefficient of x in 38x2-27x+16.
(v) the constant term in π2x2+7x-25π.

Answer 3:

(i) The coefficient of x3 in x+3x2-5x3+x4 is −5.

(ii) The coefficient of x in 3-22x+6x2 is -22.

(iii) 2x – 3 + x= – 3 + 2x + 0xx3
The coefficient of x2 in 2x – 3 + x3 is 0.

(iv) The coefficient of x in 38x2-27x+16 is -27.

(v) The constant term in Ï€2x2+7x-25Ï€ is -25Ï€.

Question 4:

Determine the degree of each of the following polynomials.
(i) 4x-5x2+6x32x
(ii) y2(y y3)
(iii) (3x – 2) (2x3 + 3x2)
(iv) -12x+3
(v) – 8
(vi) x–2(x4 + x2)

Answer 4:

(i) 4x-5x2+6x32x=4x2x-5x22x+6x32x=2-52x+3x2
Here, the highest power of x is 2. So, the degree of the polynomial is 2. 

(ii) y2(– y3) = y3 – y5
Here, the highest power of y is 5. So, the degree of the polynomial is 5. 

(iii) (3x – 2)(2x3 + 3x2) = 6x4 + 9x3 – 4x3 – 6x2 = 6x4 + 5x3 – 6x2
Here, the highest power of x is 4. So, the degree of the polynomial is 4. 

(iv) -12x+3
Here, the highest power of x is 1. So, the degree of the polynomial is 1. 

(v) – 8
–8 is a constant polynomial. So, the degree of the polynomial is 0. 

(vi) x–2(x4 x2) = x2 xx2 + 1 
Here, the highest power of x is 2. So, the degree of the polynomial is 2. 

Question 5:

(i) Give an example of a monomial of degree 5.
(ii) Give an example of a binomial of degree 8.
(iii) Give an example of a trinomial of degree 4.
(iv) Give an example of a monomial of degree 0.

Answer 5:

(i) A polynomial having one term is called a monomial. Since the degree of required monomial is 5, so the highest power of x in the monomial should be 5.
An example of a monomial of degree 5 is 2x5.    

(ii) A polynomial having two terms is called a binomial. Since the degree of required binomial is 8, so the highest power of x in the binomial should be 8.
An example of a binomial of degree 8 is 2x8 − 3x.

(iii) A polynomial having three terms is called a trinomial. Since the degree of required trinomial is 4, so the highest power of x in the trinomial should be 4.
An example of a trinomial of degree 4 is 2x4 − 3x + 5.

(iv) A polynomial having one term is called a monomial. Since the degree of required monomial is 0, so the highest power of x in the monomial should be 0.
An example of a monomial of degree 0 is 5. 

Question 6:

Rewrite each of the following polynomials in standard form.
(i) x-2x2+8+5x3
(ii) 23+4y2-3y+2y3
(iii) 6x3+2x-x5-3x2
(iv) 2+t-3t3+t4-t2

Answer 6:

A polynomial written either in ascending or descending powers of a variable is called the standard form of a polynomial.

(i) 8+x-2x2+5x3 is a polynomial in standard form as the powers of x are in ascending order.
(ii) 23-3y+4y2+2y3 is a polynomial in standard form as the powers of y are in ascending order.
(iii) 2x-3x2+6x3-x5 is a polynomial in standard form as the powers of x are in ascending order.
(iv) 2+t-t2-3t3+t4 is a polynomial in standard form as the powers of t are in ascending order.

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