Question 1:

Obtain the mean of the following distribution:

 Variable (xi) 4 6 8 10 12
 Frequency (fi) 4 8 14 11 3

Answer 1:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 Variable (xi) 4 6 8 10 12
 Frequency (fi) 4 8 14 11 3

Mean = 4×4+6×8+8×14+10×11+12×34+8+14+11+3
          = 16+48+112+110+3640
          = 32240
          = 8.05

Hence, the mean of the following distribution is 8.05 .

Question 2:

The following table shows the weights of 12 workers in a factory:

Weight (in kg) 60 63 66 69 72
No. of workers 4 3 2 2 1
Find the mean weight of the workers.

Answer 2:

We will make the following table:

Weight (xi) No. of Workers (fi)    (fi)(xi)
60 4 240
63 3 189
66 2 132
69 2 138
72 1 72
  fi = 12 fi xi = 771

Thus, we have:

Mean = fixixi
= 77112= 64.25 kg


Question 3:

The measurements (in mm) of the diameters of the heads of 50 screws are given below:

 Diameter (in mm) (xi) 34 37 40 43 46
 Number of screws (fi) 5 10 17 12 6
Calculate the mean diameter of the heads of the screws.

Answer 3:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 Diameter (in mm) (xi) 34 37 40 43 46
 Number of screws (fi) 5 10 17 12 6

Mean = (34×5)+(37×10)+(40×17)+(43×12)+(46×6)5+10+17+12+6
          = 170+370+680+516+27650
          = 201250
          = 40.24

Hence, the mean diameter of the heads of the screws is 40.24 .

Question 4:

The following data give the number of boys of a particular age in a class of 40 students.

Age (in years) 15 16 17 18 19 20
Frequency (fi) 3 8 9 11 6 3
Calculate the mean age of the students.

Answer 4:

We will make the following table:

Age (xi) Frequency (fi)    (fi)(xi)
15 3 45
16 8 128
17 9 153
18 11 198
19 6 114
20 3 60
  fi = 40 fixi=698

Thus, we have:
Mean = fixixi
= 69840= 17.45 years

Question 5:

Find the mean of the following frequency distribution:

Variable (xi) 10 30 50 70 89
Frequency (fi) 7 8 10 15 10

Answer 5:

We will make the following table:

Variable (xi) Frequency (fi)     (fi)(xi)
10 7 70
30 8 240
50 10 500
70 15 1050
89 10 890
  fi = 50 fi xi = 2750

Thus, we have:

Mean = fixixi
= 275050 = 55

Question 6:

Find the mean of daily wages of 40 workers in a factory as per data given below:

 Daily wages (in ₹) (xi) 250 300 350 400 450
 Number of workers (fi) 8 11 6 10 5

Answer 6:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 Daily wages (in ₹) (xi) 250 300 350 400 450
 Number of workers (fi) 8 11 6 10 5

Mean = (250×8)+(300×11)+(350×6)+(400×10)+(450×5)8+11+6+10+5
          = 2000+3300+2100+4000+225040
          = 1365040
          = 341.25

Hence, the mean of daily wages of 40 workers in a factory is 341.25 .

Question 7:

If the mean of the following data is 20.2, find the value of  p.

 Variable (xi) 10 15 20 25 30
 Frequency (fi) 6 8 p 10 6

Answer 7:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 Variable (xi) 10 15 20 25 30
 Frequency (fi) 6 8 p 10 6

Mean = (10×6)+(15×8)+(20×p)+(25×10)+(30×6)6+8+p+10+6

Hence, the value of  p is 20.

Question 8:

If the mean of the following frequency distribution is 8, find the value of p.

x 3 5 7 9 11 13
f 6 8 15 p 8 4

Answer 8:

We will make the following table:

(xi) (fi)     (fi)(xi)
3 6 18
5 8 40
7 15 105
9 p 9p
11 8 88
13 4 52
  fi = 41 + p fi xi = 303 + 9p

We know:

Mean = fixixi
Mean = 8
Thus, we have:

8 = 303+9p41+p328+8p = 303+9pp = 25

Question 9:

Find the missing frequency p for the following frequency distribution whose mean is 28.25.

x 15 20 25 30 35 40
f 8 7 p 14 15 6

Answer 9:

We will prepare the following table:

(xi) (fi)      (fi)(xi)
15 8 120
20 7 140
25 p 25p
30 14 420
35 15 525
40 6 240
  fi = 50 + p fi xi = 1445 + 25p

Thus, we have:
Mean = fixixi
 28.25 = 1445+25p50+p28.2550+p = 1445+25p1412.5 + 28.25p = 1445+25p3.25 p = 32.5 p =10 

Question 10:

Find the value of p for the following frequency distribution whose mean is 16.6

x 8 12 15 p 20 25 30
f 12 16 20 24 16 8 4

Answer 10:

We will make the following table:

 (xi) (fi)     (fi)(xi)
8 12 96
12 16 192
15 20 300
p 24 24p
20 16 320
25 8 200
30 4 120
  fi = 100 fi xi = 1228 + 24p

Thus, we have:

Mean = fixixi
16.6 = 1228+24p10016.6×100 = 1228+24p1660 = 1228+24p


Question 11:

Find the missing frequencies in the following frequency distribution whose mean is 34.

 x 10 20 30 40 50 60 Total
 f 4 f1 8 f2 3 4 35

Answer 11:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 x 10 20 30 40 50 60 Total
 f 4 f1 8 f2 3 4 35

Mean = 10×4+20×f1+30×8+40×f2+50×3+60×435
34=40+20f1+240+40f2+150+240353435=670+20f1+40f21190-670=20f1+40f220f1+40f2=52020f1+2f2=520f1+2f2=52020f1+2f2=26f1=26-2f2              ...1

Also, 4 + f1 + 8 + f2 + 3 + 4 = 35
⇒ 19 + f1f2 = 35
f1f2 = 35 − 19
f1f2 = 16
⇒ 26 − 2f2f 2 = 16             (from (1))
⇒ 26 − f2 = 16
⇒ 26 − 16 =  f2
⇒  f2 = 10

Putting the value of f2 in (1), we get
f1 = 26 − 2(10) = 6

Hence, the value of f1 and  f2 is 6 and 10, respectively.

Question 12:

Find the missing frequencies in the following frequency distribution, whose mean is 50.

x 10 30 50 70 90 Total
f 17 f1 32 f2 19 120

Answer 12:

We will prepare the following table:

 (xi) (fi)     (fi)(xi)
10 17 170
30 f1 30f1
50 32 1600
70 f2 70f2
90 19 1710
  fi = 120 fi xi = 3480 + 30f1 + 70f2

Thus, we have:
Mean = fixixi

50 = 3480+30f1+70f2120

6000=3480+30f1+70f230f1+70f2 = 2520  .....   i

+ f1 + 32 + f2 + 19 = 120
68 + f1 + f2 = 120
f1 + f2 = 52
or, f2 = 52 - f1  
By putting the value of f2
in (i), we get:
 = 30f1 + 70(52 - f1)
2520 = 30f1 + 3640 - 70f1
40f1 = 1120
f1 = 28
Substituting the value in (ii), we get:
f2 = 52 - f1 = 52 - 28 = 24

Question 13:

Find the value of p, when the mean of the following distribution is 20.

 x 15 17 19 20 + p 23
 f 2 3 4 5p 6

Answer 13:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 x 15 17 19 20 + p 23
 f 2 3 4 5p 6

Mean = 15×2+17×3+19×4+20+p×5p+23×62+3+4+5p+6

Hence, the value of  p is ±1.

Question 14:

The mean of the following distribution is 50.

 x 10 30 50 70 90
 f 17 5a + 3 32 7a – 11 19
Find the value of a and hence the frequencies of 30 and 70.

Answer 14:

We know that,
Mean = xififi

For the following data:

 x 10 30 50 70 90
 f 17 5a + 3 32 7a – 11 19

Mean = 10×17+30×5a+3+50×32+70×7a-11+90×1917+5a+3+32+7a-11+19

Hence, the value of a is 5.

Also, the frequency of 30 is 28 and the frequency of 70 is 24.

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