Question 1:

The daily wages of 50 workers in a factory are given below:

Daily wages (in ₹) 340−380 380−420 420−460 460−500 500−540 540−580
Number of workers 16 9 12 2 7 4
Construct a histogram to represent the above frequency distribution.

Answer 1:

The given frequency distribution is in exclusive form.
We will represent the class intervals [daily wages (in rupees)] along the x-axis & the corresponding frequencies [number of workers] along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 40 rupees
On y-axis: 1 big division = 2 workers
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 340, a kink, i.e., a  break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 340
and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with the class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
Thus, we will obtain the following histogram:

Question 2:

The following table shows the average daily earnings of 40 general stores in a market, during a certain week.

Daily earning (in rupees) 700−750 750−800 800−850 850−900 900−950 950−1000
Number of stores 6 9 2 7 11 5
Draw a histogram to represent the above data.

Answer 2:

The given frequency distribution is in exclusive form.
We will represent the class intervals [daily earnings (in rupees)] along the x-axis & the corresponding frequencies [number of stores] along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 50 rupees
On y-axis: 1 big division = 1 store
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 700, a kink, i.e., a break is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 700 and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with the class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
Thus, we will obtain the following histogram:


Question 3:

The heights of 75 students in a school are given below:

Height (in cm) 130−136 136−142 142−148 148−154 154−160 160−166
Number of students 9 12 18 23 10 3
Draw a histogram to represent the above data.

Answer 3:

The given frequency distribution is in exclusive form.
We will represent the class intervals [heights (in cm)] along the x-axis & the corresponding frequencies [number of students ] along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 6 cm
On y-axis: 1 big division = 2 students
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 130, a kink, i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 130
and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with the class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
Thus, we will obtain the following histogram:

Question 4:

The following table gives the lifetimes of 400 neon lamps:

Lifetime (in hr) 300−400 400−500 500−600 600−700 700−800 800−900 900−1000
Number of lamps 14 56 60 86 74 62 48
(i) Represent the given information with the help of a histogram.
(ii) How many lamps have a lifetime of more than 700 hours?

Answer 4:

(ii) Lamps with lifetime more than 700 hours = 74 + 62 + 48 = 184 

Question 5:

Draw a histogram for the frequency distribution of the following data.

Class interval 8−13 13−18 18−23 23−28 28−33 33−38 38−43
Frequency 320 780 160 540 260 100 80

Answer 5:

The given frequency distribution is in exclusive form.
We will represent the class intervals along the x-axis & the corresponding frequencies along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 5 units
On y-axis: 1 big division = 50 units
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 8, a kink, i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 8
and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with the class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
Thus, we will obtain the following histogram:

Question 6:

Construct a histogram for the following frequency distribution.

Class interval 5−12 13−20 21−28 29−36 37−44 45−52
Frequency 6 15 24 18 4 9

Answer 6:

The given frequency distribution is in inclusive form.
So, we will convert it into exclusive form, as shown below:

 Class Interval Frequency
4.5–12.5 6
12.5–20.5 15
20.5–28.5 24
28.5–36.5 18
36.5–44.5 4
44.5–52.5 9

We will mark class intervals along the x-axis and frequencies along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 8 units
On y-axis: 1 big division = 2 units
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 4.5, a kink, i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 4.5
and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.
Thus, we will obtain the histogram as shown below:

Question 7:

The following table shows the number of illiterate persons in the age group (10−58 years) in. a town:

Age group (in years) 10−16 17−23 24−30 31−37 38−44 45−51 52−58
Number of illiterate persons 175 325 100 150 250 400 525
Draw a histogram to represent the above data.

Answer 7:

The given frequency distribution is inclusive form.
So, we will convert it into exclusive form, as shown below:

Age (in years) Number of Illiterate Persons
9.5-16.5 175
16.5-23.5 325
23.5-30.5 100
30.5-37.5 150
37.5-44.5 250
44.5-51.5 400
51.5-58.5 525

We will mark the age groups (in years) along the x-axis & frequencies (number of illiterate persons) along the y-axis.
The scale is as follows:
On x-axis: 1 big division = 7 years
On y-axis: 1 big division = 50 persons
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 9.5, a kink, i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 9.5
and not at the origin.
We will construct rectangles with class intervals (age) as bases and the corresponding frequencies (number of illiterate persons) as
Thus, we obtain the histogram, as shown below:


Question 8:

Draw a histogram to represent the following data.

Clas interval 10−14 14−20 20−32 32−52 52−80
Frequency 5 6 9 25 21

Answer 8:

In the given frequency distribution, class sizes are different.
So, we calculate the adjusted frequency for each class.
The minimum class size is 4.
Adjusted frequency of a class =

We have the following table:

 Class Interval Frequency Adjusted Frequency
10-14 5
14-20 6
20-32 9
32-52 25
52-80 21

We mark the class intervals along the x-axis and the corresponding adjusted frequencies along the y-axis.
We have chosen the scale as follows:
On the x- axis,
1 big division = 5 units
On the y-axis,
1 big division = 1 unit
We draw rectangles with class intervals as the bases and the corresponding adjusted frequencies as the heights.
Thus, we obtain the following histogram:

Question 9:

100 surnames were randomly picked up from a local telephone directory and frequency distribution of the number of letters in the English alphabet in the surnames was found as follows:

Number of letters 1 − 4 4 − 6 6 − 8 8 − 12 12 − 20
Number of surnames 6 30 44 16 4
(i) Draw a histogram to depict the given information.
(ii) Write the class interval in which the maximum number of surnames lie.

Answer 9:

(i) Here the class intervals are of unequal size. So, we calculate the adjusted frequency using the formula, 

Class sizes are 
 1 = 3
4 = 2
6 = 2
12  8 = 4
20  12 = 8
Minimum class size = 2

Number of letters Frequency Width of class Height of rectangle
1-4 6 3
4-6 30 2
6-8 44 2
8-12 16 4
12-20 4 8

(ii) Maximum number of surnames lie in the interval 6-8. 

Question 10:

Draw a histogram to represent the following information:

Class interval 5− 10 10 − 15 15 − 25 25 − 45 45 − 75
Frequency 6 12 10 8 18

Answer 10:

Here the class intervals are of unequal size. So, we calculate the adjusted frequency using the formula, 

Class sizes are 
10  5 = 5
15  10 = 5
25  15 = 10
45  25 = 20
75  45 = 30
Minimum class size = 5

Class interval Frequency Width of class Height of rectangle
5-10 6 5
10-15 12 5
15-25 10 10
25-45 8 20
45-75 18 30

Question 11:

Draw a histogram to represent the following information:

Marks 0 − 10 10 − 30 30 − 45 45 − 50 50 − 60
Number of students 8 32 18 10 6

Answer 11:

Here the class intervals are of unequal size. So, we calculate the adjusted frequency using the formula, 

Minimum class size = 5

Marks Frequency Width of class Height of rectangle
0-10 8 10
10-30 32 20
30-45 18 15
45-50 10 5
50-60 6 10

Question 12:

In a study of diabetic patients in a village, the following observations were noted.

Age in years 10−20 20−30 30−40 40−50 50−60 60−70
Number of patients 2 5 12 19 9 4
Represent the above data by a frequency polygon.

Answer 12:

We take two imagined classes—one at the beginning (0–10) and other at the end (70–80)—each with frequency zero.
With these two classes, we have the following frequency table:

Age in Years  Class Mark Frequency
(Number of Patients)
0–10 5 0
10–20 15 2
20–30 25 5
30–40 35 12
40–50 45 19
50–60 55 9
60–70 65 4
70–80 75 0

Now, we plot the following points on a graph paper:
A(5, 0), B(15, 2), C(25, 5), D(35, 12), E(45, 19), F(55, 9), G(65, 4) and H(75, 0)
Join these points with line segments AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, GH ,HI and IJ to obtain the required frequency polygon.

Question 13:

Draw a frequency polygon for the following frequency distribution.

Class interval 1−10 11−20 21−30 31−40 41−50 51−60
Frequency 8 3 6 12 2 7

Answer 13:

Though the given frequency table is in inclusive form, class marks in case of inclusive and exclusive forms are the same.
We take the imagined classes (-9)–0 at the beginning and 61–70 at the end, each with frequency zero.
Thus, we have:

 Class Interval Class Mark Frequency
 -9–0  –4.5 0
1–10 5.5 8
11–20 15.5 3
21–30 25.5 6
31–40 35.5 12
41–50 45.5 2
51–60 55.5 7
61–70 65.5 0

Along the x-axis, we mark –4.5, 5.5, 15.5, 25.5, 35.5, 45.5, 55.5 and 65.5.
Along the y-axis, we mark 0, 8, 3, 6, 12, 2, 7 and 0.
We have chosen the scale as follows :
On the x-axis, 1 big division = 10 units.
On the y-axis, 1 big division = 1 unit.
We plot the points A(–4.5,0), B(5.5, 8), C(15.5, 3), D(25.5, 6), E(35.5, 12), F(45.5, 2), G(55.5, 7) and H(65.5, 0).
We draw line segments AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, GH to obtain the required frequency polygon, as shown below.


Question 14:

The ages (in years) of 360 patients treated in a hospital on a particular day are given below.

Age in years 10−20 20−30 30−40 40−50 50−60 60−70
Number of patients 90 40 60 20 120 30
Draw a histogram and a frequency polygon on the same graph to represent the above data.

Answer 14:

We represent the class intervals along the x-axis and the corresponding frequencies along the y-axis.
We construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and respective frequencies as heights.
We have the scale as follows:
On the x-axis:
1 big division = 10 years
On the y-axis:
1 big division = 2 patients
Thus, we obtain the histogram, as shown below.
We join the midpoints of the tops of adjacent rectangles by line segments.
Also, we take the imagined classes 0–10 and 70–80, each with frequency 0. The class marks of these classes are 5 and 75, respectively.
So, we plot the points A(5, 0) and B(75, 0). We join A with the midpoint of the top of the first rectangle and B with the midpoint of the top of the last rectangle.
Thus, we obtain a complete frequency polygon, as shown below:


Question 15:

Draw a histogram and the frequency polygon from the following data.

Class interval 20−25 25−30 30−35 35−40 40−45 45−50
Frequency 30 24 52 28 46 10

Answer 15:

We represent the class intervals along the x-axis and the corresponding frequencies along the y-axis.
We construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and respective frequencies as heights.
We have the scale as follows:
On the x-axis, 1 big division = 5 units.
On the y-axis, 1 big division = 5 units.
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 15, a kink, i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 15
and not at the origin.
Thus, we obtain the histogram, as shown below.
We join the midpoints of the tops of adjacent rectangles by line segments.
Also, we take the imagined classes 15–20 and 50–55, each with frequency 0. The class marks of these classes are 17.5 and 52.5, respectively.
So, we plot the points A( 17.5, 0) and B(52.5, 0). We join A with the midpoint of the top of the first rectangle and B with the midpoint of the top of the last rectangle.
Thus, we obtain a complete frequency polygon, as shown below:

Question 16:

Draw a histogram for the following data.

Class interval 600−640 640−680 680−720 720−760 760−800 800−840
Frequency 18 45 153 288 171 63
Using this histogram, draw the frequency polygon on the same graph.

Answer 16:

We represent the class intervals along the x-axis and the corresponding frequencies along the y-axis.
We construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and respective frequencies as heights.
We have the scale as follows:
On the x-axis:
1 big division = 40 units
On the y-axis:
1 big division = 20 units
Thus, we obtain the histogram, as shown below:
We join the midpoints of the tops of adjacent rectangles by line segments.
Also, we take the imagined classes 560–600 and 840–880, each with frequency 0.
The class marks of these classes are 580 and 860, respectively.
Because the scale on the x-axis starts at 560, a kink; i.e., a break, is indicated near the origin to signify that the graph is drawn with a scale beginning at 560
and not at the origin.
So, we plot the points A( 580, 0) and B(860, 0). We join A with the midpoint of the top of the first rectangle and join B with the midpoint of the top of the last rectangle.
Thus, we obtain a complete frequency polygon, as shown below:


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