S.chand publication New Learning Composite mathematics solution of class 7 Chapter 5 Algebraic Expression Exercise 5C

 Exercise 5C

Q1 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 1


(a) 2x from 7x

Sol : 5x

(b) -5a from -2a

Sol : -2a-(-5a)


(c) 3b2 from -5b2

Sol :


(d) -2xy from 0

Sol :


(e) -8cd from 8cd

Sol :



(f) 3(x + y) from 4(x + y)

Sol :



Q2 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 2

Subtract the lower expression from the upper expression.

(a) (7a + 5) – (2a + 1)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}7a+5 \\ 2a+1 \\ -\phantom{2a}-\phantom{1} \\ \hline 5a+4 \end{array}$

(b) (9x2 + 3y2) – (5x2 + y2)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}9x^2+3y^2\\ 5x^2+y^2 \\ -\phantom{5x^2}-\phantom{y^2} \\ \hline 4x^2+2y^2 \end{array}$

(c) (5ab – 7bc) – (2ab + bc)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}5ab-7bc\\2ab+bc\\ -\phantom{2ab}-\phantom{bc} \\ \hline 3ab-8bc\end{array}$

(d) (9x2y – 11) – (-2x2y – 5)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}9x^2y-11\\+2x^2y+5\\ \hline 11x^2y-6\end{array}$

(e) (2m3 – 9n2) – (4m3 – 11n2)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}2m^3-9n^2\\ 4m^3+11n^2\\ \hline -2m^3+2n^2\end{array}$

(f) (4x2y – 5xy2) – (4x2y – 5xy2)

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}4x^2y-5xy^2\\ 4x^2y+5xy^2\\ \hline 0\end{array}$

Q3 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 3

Arrange the following in columns and subtract.

(a) 7p + 2q + 5c from 9p + 4q + 7c

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}9p + 4q + 7c \\ 7p+2q+5c\\ -\phantom{7p}-\phantom{2q}-\phantom{5c} \\ \hline 2p+2q+2c\end{array}$

(b) 3x2 – 8xy – 9y2 from 3x2 – 8xy – 9y2

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}3x^2-8xy-9y^2 \\ 3x^2+8xy+9y^2\\ -\phantom{3x^2}-\phantom{8xy}-\phantom{9y^2} \\\hline 0\end{array}$

(c) 8x2 – 9x + 5 from 4x3 – 3x2 + 7x + 11

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r}4x^3-3x^2+7x+11\\ 8x^2+9x+5\\ -\phantom{8x^2}-\phantom{9x}-\phantom{5} \\ \hline 4x^3-11x^2+16x+6\end{array}$

(d) -2p3 + 7p2 – 20 + 3p from 0

Sol :


(e) 4ax2 + 7bx – 9t + 6 from 8ax2 – 2bx + 10t -4

Sol :

$\begin{array}{r} 8ax^2-2bx+10x-4 \\ 4ax^2+7bx+9x+6\\ -\phantom{4ax^2}-\phantom{7bx}-\phantom{9x}-\phantom{6} \\ \hline 4ax^2-9bx+19x-10\end{array}$

Q4 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 4

Subtract the following without writing in vertical form.

(a) 2x + 3y from 7x + 9y

Sol : 5x+6y

(b) -2x – y from 2x + y

Sol : 4x+2y

(c) – 5m2 + 4mn – n2 from 2m2 + 8mn + 3n2

Sol : 2m2 + 8mn + 3n2-(– 5m2 + 4mn – n2)

(d) – 2p3 + 4p2 – 7 – p from 16 – 8p

Sol : 16-8p+2p3–4p2+7+p

(e) 4xy – 3x2y + 7xy2 from 27 – 7xy2 + 11xy

Sol : 27 – 7xy2 + 11xy-(4xy – 3x2y + 7xy2)


(f) The sum of x2 – 2xy + y2 and x2 + 3xy + y2 from x2 – 6xy + 4y2

Sol :




(g) The sum of 9b2 – 3c2 and 2b2 + bc – 2c2 from the sum of 2b2 – 2bc – c2 and c2 + 2bc – b2

Sol :

2b2 – 2bc – c2 and c2 + 2bc – b2-(9b2 – 3c2 and 2b2 + bc – 2c2)




Q5 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 5


(a) 3x2 – 5x + 7 – 5x2 – 11 + 8x + 20 + 9x2 – 6x

Sol :


(b) 5x3 – 8 + 7x2y – 7xy + 10xy2 + 11 – 2x3 – 5x2y + 9xy – 6xy2

Sol :


Q6 | Ex-5C|Class 8 |S.Chand |Composite maths | Algebraic Expression |Ch-6 |myhelper

Question 6

The area of a square 4x2 – 2xy – 6y2 square units. A triangle inside has an area of -5xy + 4y2 – 3x2 square units. Find the area of the shaded region.

Sol :

Area of shaded region=(4x2 – 2xy – 6y2+5xy-4y2+3x2) sq unit


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