RD Sharma solution class 8 chapter 17 Understanding Shapes III(Understanding Special type of Quadrilaterals) Exercise 17.1

Exercise 17.1


Question 1:

Given below is a parallelogram ABCD. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used.
(i) AD =
(ii) ∠DCB =
(iii) OC =
(iv) ∠DAB + ∠CDA =

Answer 1:

The correct figure is

(i)AD=BC (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)(ii)DCB=BAD opposite angles are equal(iii)OC=OA diagonals of a prallelogram bisect each other(iv)DAB+CDA=180° the sum of two adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 1800

Question 2:

The following figures are parallelograms. Find the degree values of the unknowns x, y, z.

Answer 2:

(i)Opposite angles of a parallelogram are same. x=z and y=100°Also, y+z=180°   (sum of adjacent angles of a quadrilateral is 180°)z+100°=180°x=180°-100°x=80° x=80°, y=100° and z=80°(ii)Opposite angles of a parallelogram are same. x=y and RQP=100°PSR+SRQ=180°y+50°=180°x=180°-50°x=130° x=130°, y=130°  Since y and z are alternate angles, z=130°.(iii)Sum of all angles in a triangle is 180°.30°+90°+z=180°z=60°Opposite angles are equal in parallelogram. y=z=60°and x=30°  (alternate angles)(iv)x=90°   (vertically opposite angle)Sum of all angles in a triangle is 180°. y+90°+30°=180°y=180°-(90°+30°)=60°y=z=60°  (alternate angles)(v)Opposite angles are equal in a parallelogram. y=80°y+x=180°     x=180°-100°=80°z=y=80°   (alternate angles)(vi)y=112°  (opposite angles are equal in a parallelogram)In UTW :x+y+40°=180° (angle sum property of a triangle)x=180°-(112°-40°)=28°Bottom left vertex=180°-112°=68° z=x=28° (alternate angles)


Question 3:

Can the following figures be parallelograms. Justify your answer.

Answer 3:

(i)No. This is because the opposite angles are not equal.(ii)Yes. This is because the opposite sides are equal.(ii)No, This is because the diagonals do not bisect each other.

Question 4:

In the adjacent figure HOPE is a parallelogram. Find the angle measures x,y and z. State the geometrical truths you use to find them.

Answer 4:

HOP+70°=180°   (linear pair)HOP=180°-70°=110°x=HOP=110°  (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)EHP+HEP=180°    (sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°)110°+40°+z=180°z=180°-150°=30°y=40° alternate angles 

Question 5:

In the following figures GUNS and RUNS are  parallelograms. Find x and y.

Answer 5:

(i)Opposite sides are equal in a parallelogram. 3y-1=263y=27y=9Similarly, 3x=18x=6(ii)Diagonals bisect each other in a parallelogram. y-7=20y=27x-y=16x-27=16x=43

Question 6:

In the following figure RISK and CLUE are parallelograms. Find the measure of x.

Answer 6:

In the parallelogram RISK:ISK+RKS=180°  (sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°)ISK=180°-120°=60°Similarly, in parallelogram CLUE:CEU=CLU=70°  (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)In the triangle: x+ISK+CEU=180°x=180°-70°+60°x=180°-70°+60°=50°

Question 7:

Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x − 2)° and (50 − x)°. Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.

Answer 7:

Oppostie angles of a parallelogram are congurent. 3x-2°=50-x°3x°-2°=50°-x°3x°+x°=50°+2°4x°=52°x°=13°Putting the value of x in one angle:3x°-2°=39°-2°=37°Opposite angles are congurent: 50-x°=37°Let the remaining two angles be y and z.Angles y and z are congurent because they are also opposite angles. y=zThe sum of adjacent angles of a  parallelogram is equal to 180°.37°+y=180°y=180°-37°y=143°So, the anlges measure are:37°, 37°, 143° and 143°

Question 8:

If an angle of a parallelogram is two-third of its adjacent angle, find the angles of the parallelogram.

Answer 8:

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram add up to 180°.Let x be the angle. x+2x3=180°5x3==180°x=72°2x3=2×72°3=108°Thus, two of the angles in the parallelogram are 108° and the other two are 72°.

Question 9:

The measure of one angle of a parallelogram is 70°. What are the measures of the remaining angles?

Answer 9:

Given that one angle of the parallelogram is 70°.Since opposite angles have same value, if one is 70°, then the one directly opposite will also be 70°.So, let one angle be x°.x°+70°=180°  (the sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180° )x°=180°-70°x°=110°Thus, the remaining angles are 110°, 110° and 70°.

Question 10:

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are as 1 : 2. Find the measures of all the angles of the parallelogram.

Answer 10:

Let the angle be A and B.The angles are in the ratio of 1:2.Measures of A and B are x° and 2x°.Then, C=A and D=B (opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent)As we know that the sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°. A+B=180°x°+2x°=180°3x°=180°x°=180°3=60°Thus, measure of A=60°, B=120°, C=60°  and D=120°.

Question 11:

In a parallelogram ABCD, ∠D = 135°, determine the measure of ∠A and ∠B.

Answer 11:

In a parallelogram, opposite angles have the same value. D=B=135°Also, A+B+C+D=360°A+D=180° opposite angles have the same valueA=180°-135°=45°A=45°


Question 12:

ABCD is a parallelogram in which ∠A = 70°. Compute ∠B, C and D.

Answer 12:

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal. C=70°=A.      B=DAlso, the sum of the adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°. A+B=180°70°+B=180° B=110° B=110°, C=70° and D=110°

Question 13:

The sum of two opposite angles of a parallelogram is 130°. Find all the angles of the parallelogram.

Answer 13:

Let the angles be A, B, C and D.It is given that the sum of two opposite angles is 130°. A+C=130°A+A=130° opposite angles of a parallelogram are sameA=65°and C=65°The sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram is 180°.A+B=180°65°+B=180°B=180°-65°B=115° D=115° A=65°, vB=115°, C=65° and D=115°.

Question 14:

All the angles of a quadrilateral are equal to each other. Find the measure of each. Is the quadrilateral a parallelogram? What special type of parallelogram is it?

Answer 14:

Let the angle be x.All the angles are equal. x+x+x+x=360°4x=360°x=90°So, each  angle is 90° and quadrilateral is a parallelogram. It is a rectangle.

Question 15:

Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 4 cm and 3 cm respectively. Find its perimeter.

Answer 15:

We know that the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.Two sides are given, i.e. 4 cm and 3 cm.Therefore, the rest of the sies will also be 4 cm and 3 cm. Perimeter = Sum of all the sides of a parallelogram=4+3+4+3=14 cm

Question 16:

The perimeter of a parallelogram is 150 cm. One of its sides is greater than the other by 25 cm. Find the length of the sides of the parallelogram.

Answer 16:

Opposite sides of a parallelogram are same.Let two sides of the parallelogram be x and y.Given: x=y+25Also, x+y+x+y=150  (Perimeter= Sum of all the sides of a parallelogram)y+25+y+y+25+y=1504y=150-504y=100y=1004=25 x=y+25=25+25=50 Thus, the lengths of the sides of the parallelogram are 50 cm and 25 cm.

Question 17:

The shorter side of a parallelogram is 4.8 cm and the longer side is half as much again as the shorter side. Find the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Answer 17:

Given:Shorter side=4.8 cmLonger side=4.82+4.8=7.2 cmPerimeter=Sum of all the sides =4.8+4.8+7.2+7.2=24 cm

Question 18:

Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are (3x − 4)° and (3x + 10)°. Find the angles of the parallelogram.

Answer 18:

We know that the adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplementry.Hence, 3x+10° and 3x-4° are supplementry.3x+10°+3x-4°=180°6x°+6°=180°6x°=174°x=29°First angle = 3x+10°=3×29°+10°=97°Second angle = 3x-4°=83°Thus, the angles of the parallelogram are 97°, 83°, 97° and 83°.

Question 19:

In a parallelogram ABCD, the diagonals bisect each other at O. If ∠ABC = 30°, ∠BDC = 10° and ∠CAB = 70°. Find:
DAB, ∠ADC, ∠BCD, ∠AOD, ∠DOC, ∠BOC, ∠AOB, ∠ACD, ∠CAB, ∠ADB, ∠ACB, ∠DBC and ∠DBA.

Answer 19:

 ABC=30° ADC=30° opposite angle of the parallelogramand BDA=ADC-BDC=30°-10°=20°BAC=ACD=70°  (alternate angle)In  ABC:CAB+ABC+BCA=180°70°+30°+BCA=180° BCA=80°DAB=DAC+CAB=70°+80°=150°BCD=150° opposite angle of the parallelogramDCA=CAB=70°In DOC:ODC+DOC+OCD=18010°+70°+DOC=180°DOC=100°DOC+BOC=180°BOC=180°-100°BOC=80°AOD=BOC=80°   vertically opposite angles AOB=DOC=100° vertically opposite angles CAB=70° givenADB=20°DBA=BDC=10°  (alternate angle)ADB=DBC=20°  (alternate angle)

Question 20:

Find the angles marked with a question mark shown in Fig. 17.27

Answer 20:

In CEB:ECB+CBE+BEC=180°   (angle sum property of a triangle)40°+90°+EBC=180° EBC=50°Also, EBC=ADC=50° opposite angle of a parallelogramIn FDC:FDC+DCF+CFD=180°50°+90°+DCF=180° DCF=40°Now, BCE+ECF+FCD+FDC=180°  (in a parallelogram, the sum of alternate angles is 180° )50°+40°+ECF+40°=180°ECF=180°-50°+40°-40°=50°

Question 21:

The angle between the altitudes of a parallelogram, through the same vertex of an obtuse angle of the parallelogram is 60°. Find the angles of the parallelogram.

Answer 21:

Draw a parallelogram ABCD.Drop a perpendicular from B to the side AD, at the point E.Drop perpendicular from B to the side CD, at the point F. In the quadrilateral BEDF:EBF=60°,BED=90°BFD=90° EDF=360°-(60°+90°+90°)=120°In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent and adjacent angles are supplementary. In the parallelogram ABCD: B=D=120°A=C=180°-120°=60°

Question 22:

In Fig. 17.28, ABCD and AEFG are parallelograms. If ∠C = 55°, what is the measure of ∠F?

Answer 22:

Both the parallelograms ABCD and AEFG are similar. C=A=55° (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal) A=F=55°     (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)

Question 23:

In Fig. 17.29, BDEF and DCEF are each a parallelogram. Is it true that BD = DC? Why or why not?

Answer 23:

In parallelogram BDEF BD=EF           ...(i)  (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)In parallelogram DCEF        CD=EF       ...(ii)     (opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal)From equations (i) and (ii)BD=CD       


Question 24:

In Fig. 17.29, suppose it is known that DE = DF. Then, is ΔABC isosceles? Why or why not?
Fig. 17.29

Answer 24:

In FDE:DE=DF  FED=DFE.............(i)   (angles opposite to equal sides)In the IIgm BDEF: FBD= FED.......(ii)  (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)In the IIgm  DCEF:DCE=DFE......(iii)  (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)From equations (i), (ii) and (iii):FBD=DCEIn ABC:If FBD=DCE, then AB=AC (sides opposite to equal angles).Hence, ABC is isosceles.

Question 25:

Diagonals of parallelogram ABCD intersect at O as shown in Fig. 17.30. XY contains O, and X, Y are points on opposite sides of the parallelogram. Give reasons for each of the following:
(i) OB = OD
(ii) ∠OBY = ∠ODX
(iii) ∠BOY = ∠DOX
(iv) ∆BOY ≅ ∆DOX
Now, state if XY is bisected at O.

Answer 25:

(i) Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
(ii) Alternate angles
(iii) Vertically opposite angles
 In BOY and DOX:OB=OD  (diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other)OBY=ODX   (alternate angles)BOY=DOX  (vertically opposite angles)

ASA congruence:
XO = YO (c.p.c.t)
So, XY is bisected at O.

Question 26:

In Fig. 17.31, ABCD is a parallelogram, CE bisects ∠C and AF bisects ∠A. In each of the following, if the statement is true, give a reason for the same:

(i) ∠A = ∠C
(ii) FAB=12A
(iii) DCE=12C
(iv) CEB=FAB
(v) CE || AF

Answer 26:

(i) True, since opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.
(ii) True, as AF is the bisector of A.
(iii) True, as CE is the bisector of C.
(iv) True
               CEB = DCE........(i)  (alternate angles)
               DCE=  FAB.........(ii)    (opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal)
  From equations (i) and (ii):
              CEB = FAB
(v) True, as corresponding angles are equal (CEB = FAB).

Question 27:

Diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD intersect at O. AL and CM are drawn perpendiculars to BD such that L and M lie on BD. Is AL = CM? Why or why not?

Answer 27:

In ΔAOL and ΔCMO:AOL=COM( vertically opposite angle)....(i)ALO=CMO=90° (each right angle).....(ii)Using angle sum property: AOL+ALO+LAO=180°..........(iii)COM+CMO+OCM=180°......(iv)From equations (iii) and (iv):AOL+ALO+LAO=COM+CMO+OCMLAO=OCM  (from equations (i) and (ii) )In ΔAOL and ΔCMO:ALO=CMO (each right angle)AO=OC (diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other)LAO=OCM   (proved above)So, ΔAOL is congruent to ΔCMO (SAS).AL=CM [cpct]

Question 28:

Points E and F lie on diagonal AC of a parallelogram ABCD such that AE = CF. What type of quadrilateral is BFDE?

Answer 28:

In the IIgm ABCD:AO=OC......(i)  (diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other)AE=CF.......(ii)  (given)Subtracting (ii) from (i):AO-AE=OC-CFEO=OF......... (iii)In DOE and BOF:EO=OF (proved above)DO=OB  (diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other)DOE =BOF  (vertically opposite angles)By SAS congruence: DOE BOF DE=BF (c.p.c.t)In BOE and DOF:EO=OF (proved above)DO=OB  (diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other)DOF =BOE  (vertically opposite angles)By SAS congruence: DOE BOF DF=BE (c.p.c.t)Hence, the pair of opposite sides are equal. Thus, DEBF is a parallelogram.

Question 29:

In a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 10 cm, AD = 6 cm. The bisector of ∠A meets DC in E, AE and BC produced meet at F. Find te length CF.

Answer 29:

AE is the bisector of A. DAE=BAE =x  BAE=AED=x  (alternate angles)Since opposite angles in ADE are equal, ADE is an isosceles triangle. AD=DE= 6 cm  (sides opposite to equal angles)AB=CD=10 cm CD= DE+ ECEC=CD-DEEC=10-6=4 cmDEA=CEF=x  (vertically opposite angle)EAD=EFC=x  (alternate angles)Since opposite angles in EFC are equal, EFC is an isosceles triangle. CF=CE= 4 cm (sides opposite to equal angles) CF= 4cm

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