RD Sharma solution class 7 chapter 23 Data Handling II(Central values) Exercise 23.2

Exercise 23.2


Question 1:

A die was thrown 20 times and the following scores were recorded:
5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 1
Prepare the frequency table of the scores on the upper face of the die and find the mean score.

Answer 1:

The frequency table for the given data is as follows:
x: 1           2           3          4              5                 6
f:  2           5           1          4              6                 2

In order to compute the arithmetic mean, we prepare the following table:

                                  Computation of Arithmetic Mean

Scores (xi) Frequency (fi) xifi
1 2 2
2 5 10
3 1 3
4 4 16
5 6 30
6 2 12
Total fi = 20 fixi =73

We have, fi = 20 and fixi =73
∴ The mean score = fixifi = 7320 = 3.65.

Question 2:

The daily wages (in Rs) of 15 workers in a factory are given below:
200, 180, 150, 150, 130, 180, 180, 200, 150, 130, 180, 180, 200, 150, 180
Prepare the frequency table and find the mean wage.

Answer 2:

The frequency table for the given data is as follows:
          Wagesxi ) :                               130        150          180         200
Number of workersfi ):                  2           4              6           3 

In order to compute the mean wage, we prepare the following table:

Mean wages of the workers
xi  fi  fi xi
130 2  260
150 4  600
180 6 1080
200 3  600
Total fi =N = 15  fi xi =  2540

Mean  = fi xifi  = 254015 = Rs. 169.33 .

Question 3:

The following table shows the weights (in kg) of 15 workers in a factory:

Weight (in kg): 60 63 66 72 75
Numbers of workers: 4 5 3 1 2
Calculate the mean weight.

Answer 3:

                                    Calculation of Mean

 xi fi fi xi
 60  4 240
63  5 315
66  3 198
72  1 72
75  2 150
Total fi = 15 fixi = 975

∴ Mean weight = ​ fixifi  = 97515 = 65 kg.

Question 4:

The ages (in years) of 50 students of a class in a school are given below:

Age (in years): 14 15 16 17 18
Numbers of students: 15 14 10 8 3
Find the mean age.

Answer 4:

        Calculation of Mean
 xi fi fi xi
 14  15 210
15  14 210
16  10 160
17  8 136
18  3 54
Total fi = 50 fixi = 770

∴ Mean age = ​ fixifi  = 77050 = 15.4 yrs.

Question 5:

Calculate the mean for the following distribution:

x : 5 6 7 8 9
f : 4 8 14 11 3

Answer 5:

                       Calculation of Mean
 xi fi fi xi
 5  4 20
6  8 48
7  14 98
8  11 88
9  3 27
Total fi = 40 fixi = 281

∴ Mean = ​ fixifi  = 28140 = 7.025 .


Question 6:

Find the mean of the following data:

x: 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
f: 13 15 16 18 16 15 13

Answer 6:

                    Calculation of Mean

xi fi fixi
19 13  247
21 15 315
23 16 368
25 18 450
27 16 432
29 15 435
31 13 403
Total  fi= N = 106 fixi = 2650

 ∴ Mean  =fixifi = 2650106 = 25.

Question 7:

The mean of the following data is 20.6. Find the value of p.

x: 10 15 p 25 35
f: 3 10 25 7 5

Answer 7:

            Calculation of Mean

xi fi fi xi
10 3 30
15 10 150
p 25 25p
25 7 175
35 5 175
Total fi = 50 fixi = 530 + 25p

We have: 

fi = 50, ​fixi = 530 +25p

∴ Mean =fixifi  

20.6 = 530 +25p5020.6×50 = 530 +25p 1030 = 530 +25p 1030 - 530 = 25p 500 = 25p p = 50025 p = 20 

Question 8:

If the mean of the following data is 15, find p.

x: 5 10 15 20 25
f: 6 p 6 10 5

Answer 8:

                                 Calculation of Mean

xi fi fi xi
5 6 30
10 p 10p
15 6 90
20 10 200
25 5 125
Total fi = 27 + p fixi = 445 + 10p

We have:

fi = 27 + p,  ​fixi = 445 +10p

∴ Mean =fixifi  

15= 445 +10p27 +p15 (27 +p) = 445 +10p 405 + 15p =445 +10p 15p - 10p = 445 -405 5p = 40 p = 40÷5

Therefore, p =  8.

Question 9:

Find the value of p for the following distribution whose mean is 16.6

x: 8 12 15 p 20 25 30
f: 12 16 20 24 16 8 4

Answer 9:

​                      Calculation of Mean

xi fi fixi
8 12 96
12 16 192
15 20 300
p 24 24p
20 16 320
25 8 200
30 4 120
Total  fi= N = 100 fixi = 1228 + 24p

We have:

fi = 100, fixi = 1228 +24p  

∴ Mean  =fixifi 

16.6 = 1228 +24p10016.6×100 = 1228 +24p1660 = 1228 +24p1660 - 1228 = 24p432 = 24pp = 43224p =18.

Question 10:

Find the missing value of p for the following distribution whose mean is 12.58

x: 5 8 10 12 p 20 25
f: 2 5 8 22 7 4 2

Answer 10:

​                      Calculation of Mean

xi fi fixi
5 2 10
8 5 40
10 8 80
12 22 264
p 7 7p
20 4 80
25 2 50
Total  fi= N = 50 fixi = 524 + 7p

We have:

fi = 50, fixi = 524 +7p  

∴ Mean  =fixifi 

12.58 = 524 +7p5012.58×50 = 524 +7p629 = 524 +7p629 - 524 = 7p105 = 7pp = 1057p =15.

Question 11:

Find the missing frequency (p) for the following distribution whose mean is 7.68

x: 3 5 7 9 11 13
f: 6 8 15 p 8 4

Answer 11:

                                 Calculation of Mean
xi fi fi xi
3 6 18
5 8 40
7 15 105
9 p 9p
11 8 88
13 4 52
Total fi = 41 + p fixi = 303 + 9p

We have:

fi = 41+ p, ​ fixi = 303 +9p

∴ Mean =fixifi  

7.68 = 303 +9p41+p7.68 × (41 +p) =303 +9p314.88 + 7.68p = 303 +9p 314.88 -303 = 9p -7.68p11.88 = 1.32pp = 11.881.32  p =9.

Question 12:

Find the value of p, if the mean of the following distribution is 20

x: 15 17 19 20 + p 23
f: 2 3 4 5 p 6

Answer 12:

                                 Calculation of Mean
xi fi fi xi
15 2 30
17 3 51
19 4 76
20 + p 5p (20+p)5p
23 6 138
Total fi = 15 + 5p fixi = 295 + (20 + p) 5p

We have:

fi = 15 + 5p, ​fixi = 295 + (20 + p5p​.

∴ Mean =fixifi  

20= 295 + (20+p)5p15+5p20 × (15 +5p) =295 + (20+p)5p300+ 100p = 295 +100p + 5p

⇒ 300 295 100-1005p2
⇒ 5p2
⇒ p2 1
⇒ 1.

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