RD Sharma solution class 7 chapter 20 Mensuration I Exercise 20.4

Exercise 20.4


Question 1:

Find the area in square centimetres of a triangle whose base and altitude are as under:
(i) base = 18 cm, altitude = 3.5 cm
(ii) base = 8 dm, altitude = 15 cm

Answer 1:

We know that the area of a triangle = 12×Base×Height
(i) Here, base = 18 cm and height = 3.5 cm
     ∴ Area of the triangle = 12×18×3.5=31.5 cm2
(ii) Here, base = 8 dm = (8 x 10) cm = 80 cm     [Since 1 dm = 10 cm]
      and height = 3.5 cm
     ∴ Area of the triangle = 12×80×15=600 cm2

Question 2:

Find the altitude of a triangle whose area is 42 cm2 and base is 12 cm.

Answer 2:

We have,
Altitude of a triangle = 2×AreaBase
Here, base = 12 cm and area = 42 cm2

∴ Altitude = 2×4212= 7 cm

Question 3:

The area of a triangle is 50 cm2. If the altitude is 8 cm, what is its base?

Answer 3:

We have,
Base of a triangle = 2×AreaAltitude2×AreaBase
Here, altitude = 8 cm and area = 50 cm2

∴ Altitude =2×508=12.5 cm
2×4212= 7 cm

Question 4:

Find the area of a right angled triangle whose sides containing the right angle are of lengths 20.8 m and 14.7 m.

Answer 4:

In a right-angled triangle, the sides containing the right angles are of lengths 20.8 m and 14.7 m.
Let the base be 20.8 m and the height be 14.7 m.
Area of a triangle = 12×Base×Height

                              = 12×20.8×14.7 = 152.88 m2

Question 5:

The area of a triangle, whose base and the corresponding altitude are 15 cm and 7 cm, is equal to area of a right triangle whose one of the sides containing the right angle is 10.5 cm. Find the other side of this triangle.

Answer 5:

For the first triangle, we have,
Base = 15 cm and altitude = 7 cm
Thus, area of a triangle = 12×Base×Altitude

                                       = 12×15×7=52.5 cm2
It is given that the area of the first triangle and the second triangle are equal.
Area of the second triangle = 52.5 cm2
One side of the second triangle = 10.5 cm
The other side of the second triangle = 2×AreaOne side of a triangle

                                                     = 2×52.510.5=10 cm
Hence, the other side of the second triangle will be 10 cm.

Question 6:

A rectangular field is 48 m long and 20 m wide. How many right triangular flower beds, whose sides containing the right angle measure 12 m and 5 m can be laid in this field?

Answer 6:

We have,
Length of the rectangular field = 48 m
Breadth of the rectangular field = 20 m
Area of the rectangular field = Length x Breadth = 48 m x 20 m = 960 m2

Area of one right triangular flower bed = 12×12 m×5 m = 30 m2

Required number of right triangular flower beds = 960 m230 m2= 32

Question 7:

In Fig. 29, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which diagonal AC = 84 cm; DLAC, BMAC, DL = 16.5 cm and BM = 12 cm. Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD.

Answer 7:

We have,
AC = 84 cm, DL = 16.5 cm and BM = 12 cm
Area of Δ ADC = 12x AC x DL
                          = 12x 84 cm x 16.5 cm = 693 cm2
Area of Δ ABC = 12x AC x BM
                          = 12x 84 cm x 12 cm = 504 cm2
Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of Δ ADC  + Area of Δ ABC
                                                          = (693 + 504) cm2
                                                                             = 1197 cm2

Question 8:

Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD given in Fig. 30. The diagonals AC and BD measure 48 m and 32 m respectively and are perpendicular to each other.

Answer 8:

We have,
Diagonal AC = 48 cm and diagonal BD = 32 m
∴ Area of a quadrilateral = 12x Product of diagonals
                                      = 12x AC x BD
                                      = (12 x 48 x 32) m2 = (24 x 32) m2  = 768 m2

Question 9:

In Fig 31, ABCD is a rectangle with dimensions 32 m by 18 m. ADE is a triangle such that EFAD and EF = 14 cm. Calculate the area of the shaded region.

Answer 9:

We have,
Area of the rectangle = AB x BC
                             = 32 m x 18 m
                             = 576 m2
Area of the triangle  = 12x AD x FE
                           = 12x BC x FE       [Since AD = BC]
                           = 12x 18 m x 14 m
                           = 9 m x 14 m = 126 m2
∴ Area of the shaded region = Area of the rectangle − Area of the triangle
                                      =(576 − 126) m2
                                                  = 450 m2

Question 10:

In Fig. 32, ABCD is a rectangle of length AB = 40 cm and breadth BC = 25 cm. If P, Q, R, S be the mid-points of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA respectively, find the area of the shaded region.

Answer 10:

We have,
Join points PR and SQ.
These two lines bisect each other at point O.

Here, AB = DC = SQ = 40 cm and AD = BC =RP = 25 cm
Also OP = OR = RP2=252=12.5 cm
From the figure we observed that,
Area of Δ SPQ = Area of Δ SRQ
Hence, area of the shaded region = 2 x (Area of Δ SPQ)
                                                       = 2 x (12 x SQ x OP)
                                                       = 2 x (12 x 40 cm x 12.5 cm)
                                                       = 500 cm2

Question 11:

Calculate the area of the quadrilateral ABCD as shown in Fig. 33, given that BD = 42 cm, AC = 28 cm, OD = 12 cm and ACBD.

Answer 11:

We have,
BD = 42 cm, AC = 28 cm, OD = 12 cm
Area of ΔABC = 12 x AC x OB
                          = 12 x AC x (BDOD)
                          = 12 x 28 cm x (42 cm − 12 cm) = 12 x 28 cm x 30 cm = 14 cm x 30 cm = 420 cm2
Area of Δ ADC = 12 x AC x OD
                          = 12 x 28 cm x 12 cm = 14 cm x 12 cm = 168 cm2
Area of the quadrilateral ABCD = Area of Δ ABC + Area of Δ ADC
                                              = (420  + 168) cm2 = 588 cm2

Question 12:

Find the area of a figure formed by a square of side 8 cm and an isosceles triangle with base as one side of the square and perimeter as 18 cm.

Answer 12:

Let x cm be one of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle.

Given that the perimeter of the isosceles triangle = 18 cm
x + x + 8  = 18
⇒ 2x = (18 − 8) cm = 10 cm
x = 5 cm
Area of the figure formed = Area of the square + Area of the isosceles triangle

                                         = (Side of square)2 + 12×Base×Equal side2 -14×Base2
                                        = (8)2 + 12×8×52 -1482
                                        = 64+4 ×25-16
                                        = 64 +4 ×9
                                        = 64+4×3
                                        = 64 + 12 = 76 cm2

Question 13:

Find the area of Fig. 34 in the following ways:
(i) Sum of the areas of three triangles
(ii) Area of a rectangle − sum of the areas of five triangles

Answer 13:

We have,
(i)  P is the midpoint of AD.
     Thus AP = PD = 25 cm and AB = CD = 20 cm
     From the figure, we observed that,
     Area of Δ APB = Area of Δ PDC
     Area of Δ APB = 12x AB x AP
                               = 12x 20 cm x 25 cm = 250 cm2
      Area of Δ PDC = Area of Δ APB = 250 cm2

      Area of Δ RPQ = 12x Base x Height
                                = 12x 25 cm x 10 cm = 125 cm2
    Sum of the three triangles = (250  + 250 + 125) cm2
                                         = 625 cm2

(ii) Area of the rectangle ABCD = 50 cm x 20 cm = 1000 cm2
      Area of the rectangle − Sum of the areas of three triangles  (There is a mistake in the question; it should be area of three triangles)
       = (1000 − 625 ) cm2 = 375 cm2

Question 14:

Calculate the area of quadrilateral field ABCD as shown in Fig. 35, by dividing it into a rectangle and a triangle.

Answer 14:

We have,
Join CE, which intersect AD at point E.

Here, AE = ED = BC = 25 m and EC = AB = 30 m
Area of the rectangle ABCE = AB x BC
                                        = 30 m x 25 m
                                        = 750 m2
Area of Δ CED = 12x EC x ED
                          = 12x 30 m x 25 m
                          = 375 m2
Area of the quadrilateral ABCD  = (750  + 375) m2
                                                     = 1125 m2


Question 15:

Calculate the area of the pentagon ABCDE, where AB = AE and with dimensions as shown in Fig. 36.

Answer 15:

Join BE.
Area of the rectangle BCDE = CD x DE
                                        = 10 cm x 12 cm = 120 cm2
Area of ΔABE = 12x BE x  height of the triangle
                          = 12x 10 cm x  (20 − 12) cm
                          = 12x 10 cm x 8 cm = 40 cm2
Area of the pentagon ABCDE = (120 + 40) cm2 = 160 cm2

Question 16:

The base of a triangular field is three times its altitude. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs 24.60 per hectare is Rs 332. 10, find its base and height.

Answer 16:

Let altitude of the triangular field be h m
Then base of the triangular field is 3h m.

Area of the triangular field = 12×h×3h=3h22m2..........(i)

The rate of cultivating the field is Rs 24.60 per hectare.
Area of the triangular field =  332.10 24.60=13.5 hectare
                                                            = 135000 m2         [Since 1 hectare = 10000 m2 ]..........(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) we have,
3h22=135000 m2
3h2 = 135000 x 2 = 270000 m2

 h2 = 270000 3m2=90000 m2 = (300 m)2
h = 300 m

Height of the triangular field = 300 m and base of the triangular field = 3 x 300 m = 900 m

Question 17:

A wall is 4.5 m long and 3 m high. It has two equal windows, each having form and dimensions as shown in Fig. 37. Find the cost of painting the wall (leaving windows) at the rate of Rs 15 per m2.

Answer 17:

We have,
Length of a wall = 4.5 m
Breadth of the wall =3 m
Area of the wall = Length x Breadth = 4.5 m x 3 m = 13.5 m2
From the figure we observed that,
Area of the window = Area of the rectangle + Area of the triangle
                              = (0.8 m x 0.5 m) + (12 x 0.8 m x 0.2 m)      [Since 1 m = 100 cm]
                              = 0.4 m2 + 0.08 m2 = 0.48 m2
Area of  two windows = 2 x 0.48 = 0.96 m2
Area of the remaining wall (leaving windows ) = (13.5 − 0.96 )m2 = 12.54 m2
Cost of painting the wall per m2 = Rs. 15
Hence, the cost of painting on the wall = Rs. (15 x 12.54) = Rs. 188.1
(In the book, the answer is given for one window, but we have 2 windows.)

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