RD Sharma 2020 solution class 9 chapter 8 Coordinate Geometry FBQS



Question 1:

Abscissa of all the points on y-axis is __________.

Answer 1:

If we take any point on the y-axis, then the distance of this point from the y-axis is 0. Therefore, the abscissa of this point is 0.

The co-ordinate of a point on the y-axis are of the form (0, y). Thus, the abscissa of all points on the y-axis is 0.

Abscissa of all the points on y-axis is _____0_____.

Question 2:

Ordinate of all the points on x-axis is ___________.

Answer 2:

If we take any point on the x-axis, then the distance of this point from the x-axis is 0. Therefore, the ordinate of this point is 0. 

​The co-ordinate of a point on the x-axis are of the form (x, 0). Thus, the ordinate of all points on the x-axis is 0.

Ordinate of all the points on x-axis is _____0_____.


Question 3:

Point (–7, 0) lies on the _________ direction of  _________ axis.

Answer 3:

The given point is (–7, 0).

We know that, the co-ordinates of a point on the x-axis are of the form (x, 0).

If x > 0, then the point (x, 0) lies on the positive direction of the x-axis.

If x < 0, then the point (x, 0) lies on the negative direction of the x-axis.

The given point (–7, 0) is of the form (x, 0), where x < 0. Thus, the point (–7, 0) lies on the negative direction of the x-axis.

Point (–7, 0) lies on the __negative__ direction of  __x-__ axis.

Question 4:

Point (0, –3) lies on the _________ direction of __________ axis.

Answer 4:

The given point is (0, –3).

We know that, the co-ordinates of a point on the y-axis are of the form (0, y).

If y > 0, then the point (0, y) lies on the positive direction of the y-axis.

If y < 0, then the point (0, y) lies on the negative direction of the y-axis.

The given point (0, –3) is of the form (0, y), where y < 0. Thus, the point (0, –3) lies on the negative direction of the y-axis.

Point (0, –3) lies on the __negative__ direction of  __y-__ axis.

Question 5:

The point at which the two coordinate axes meet is called the __________.

Answer 5:

The point of intersection of the coordinate axes is called the origin.

The point at which the two coordinate axes meet is called the __origin__.

Question 6:

A point whose abscissa and ordinate both are negative lies in ____________.

Answer 6:

In the third quadrant, x < 0, y < 0. Thus, the point whose abscissa and ordinate both are negative lies in third quadrant.

A point whose abscissa and ordinate both are negative lies in __third quadrant__.

Question 7:

If y-coordinate of a point is zero, then it always lies on ____________ axis.

Answer 7:

The y-coordinate of every point on x-axis is 0. So, the co-ordinates of any point on x-axis are of the form (x, 0).

If y-coordinate of a point is zero, then it always lies on __x-__ axis.

Question 8:

The points (–3, 2) and (2, –3) lie in __________ and __________ quadrants respectively.

Answer 8:

The given points are (–3, 2) and (2, –3).

In II quadrant: x < 0, y > 0

So, the point (–3, 2) lie in the second quadrant.

In IV quadrant: x > 0, y < 0

So, the point (2, –3) lie in the fourth quadrant.

The points (–3, 2) and (2, –3) lie in __second__ and __fourth__ quadrants respectively.

Question 9:

The point which lies on y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of y-axis has the coordinates ________.

Answer 9:

We know that, the co-ordinates of a point on the y-axis are of the form (0, y). The point (0, y) lies on the negative direction of the y-axis if y is negative.

The point lies on the y-axis so its x-coordinate is 0. Also, the point is at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of y-axis so its y-coordinate is −5. Thus, the point is (0, −5).

The point which lies on y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of y-axis has the coordinates __(0, −5)__.

Question 10:

If P(5, 1), Q(8, 0), R(0, 4), S(0, 5) and O(0, 0) are plotted on the graph paper, then the point(s) on the x-axis are __________.

Answer 10:

The given points are P(5, 1), Q(8, 0), R(0, 4), S(0, 5) and O(0, 0).  These points can be plotted on the graph paper as shown below.

It can be seen that, the points Q(8, 0) and O(0, 0) lie on the x-axis.

If P(5, 1), Q(8, 0), R(0, 4), S(0, 5) and O(0, 0) are plotted on the graph paper, then the point(s) on the x-axis are __Q(8, 0) and O(0, 0)__.

Question 11:

The coordinates of the point which lies on x and y-axes both are __________.

Answer 11:

The point which lies on both x and y-axes is the point of intersection of x-axis and y-axis. The point of intersection of x-axis and y-axis is the origin. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0).

The coordinates of the point which lies on x and y-axes both are ___(0, 0)___.

Question 12:

The coordinates of the point whose ordinate is –4 and which lies on y-axis, are ___________.

Answer 12:

The ordinate of the point is –4.

So, y = –4

Now, the coordinates of a point on y-axis are of the form (0, y).

Thus, the coordinates of the point whose ordinate is –4 and which lies on y-axis are (0, –4).

The coordinates of the point whose ordinate is –4 and which lies on y-axis, are ___(0, –4)___.

Question 13:

The coordinates of point whose abscissa is 5 and which lies on x-axis, are _________.

Answer 13:

The abscissa of the point is 5.

So, x = 5

Now, the coordinates of a point on x-axis are of the form (x, 0).

Thus, the coordinates of the point whose abscissa is 5 and which lies on x-axis are (5, 0).

The coordinates of point whose abscissa is 5 and which lies on x-axis, are ___(5, 0)___.

Question 14:

The image of the point (–3, –2) in x-axis lies in __________ quadrant.

Answer 14:

Under reflection of a point in the x-axis, the abscissa of the point remains unchanged while the sign of the ordinate is changed. So, the image of the point (x, y) in the x-axis is (x, −y).

Thus, the image of the point (–3, –2) in the x-axis is (–3, 2).

In II quadrant: x < 0, y > 0

In the point (–3, 2), abscissa is negative and ordinate is positive. So, this point lies in the second quadrant.

The image of the point (–3, –2) in x-axis lies in __second__ quadrant.

Question 15:

If a > 0 and b < 0, then the image of (a, b) in y-axis lies in _________quadrant.

Answer 15:

Under reflection of a point in the y-axis, the ordinate of the point remains unchanged while the sign of the abscissa is changed. So, the image of the point (x, y) in the y-axis is (−x, y).

If a > 0 and b < 0, then the point (a, b) lies in the fourth quadrant.

The coordinates of the image of point (a, b), where a > 0 and b < 0, in the y-axis are of the form (a, b), where a < 0 and b < 0.

Now, for a < 0 and b < 0, the point (a, b) lies in the third quadrant.

If a > 0 and b < 0, then the image of (a, b) in y-axis lies in __third__ quadrant.

Question 16:

The points O(0, 0), A(5, 0) and B(0, 5) are joined in order to form a/an __________ triangle.

Answer 16:

The given points are O(0, 0), A(5, 0) and B(0, 5).  These points can be plotted on the graph paper as shown below.

Here, OA = 5 units and OB = 5 units

∴ OA = OB

Hence, the points O(0, 0), A(5, 0) and B(0, 5) form an isosceles right ∆OAB right angled at O.

The points O(0, 0), A(5, 0) and B(0, 5) are joined in order to form a/an __isosceles right__ triangle.

Question 17:

The points O(0, 0), A(7, 0), B(7, 4) and C(0, 4) form a ___________.

Answer 17:

The given points are O(0, 0), A(7, 0), B(7, 4) and C(0, 4).  These points can be plotted on the graph paper as shown below.

From the figure, we have

OA = 7 units, AB = 4 units, BC = 7 units and OC = 4 units

In quadrilateral OABC,

OA = BC = 7 units and AB = OC = 4 cm

Thus, the quadrilateral OABC is a rectangle.

The points O(0, 0), A(7, 0), B(7, 4) and C(0, 4) form a ___rectangle___.

Question 18:

The points O(0, 0), A(6, 0) and B(0, 4) form a _________ triangle of area _________ sq. units.

Answer 18:

The given points are O(0, 0), A(6, 0) and B(0, 4). These points can be plotted on the graph paper as shown below.

So, the points O(0, 0), A(6, 0) and B(0, 4) form right ∆OAB right angled at O.

From the figure, we have

OA = 6 units and OB = 4 units

∴ Area of ∆OAB = 12 × OA × OB = 12 × 6 × 4 = 12 square units

The points O(0, 0), A(6, 0) and B(0, 4) form a __right__ triangle of area ___12___ sq. units.

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