RD Sharma 2020 solution class 9 chapter 6 Factorization of polynomial Expressions FBQS



Question 1:

7 – 9x + 2x2 is called a _________ polynomial.

Answer 1:

Polynomial with degree 2 is known as a quadratic polynomial.

Hence, 7 – 9+ 2x2 is called a quadratic polynomial.

Question 2:

12x – 7x2 + 4 – 2x3 is called a ___________ polynomial.

Answer 2:

Polynomial with degree 3 is known as a cubic polynomial.

​Hence, 12x – 7x2 + 4 – 2x3 is called a cubic polynomial.

Question 3:

13x2 – 88x3 + 9x4 is called a _________ polynomial.

Answer 3:

Polynomial with degree 4 is known as a biquadratic polynomial.

​Hence, 12x – 7x2 + 4 – 2x3 is called a biquadratic polynomial.

Question 4:

If x + 1 is a factor of the polynomial ax3 + x2 – 2x + 4a – 9, then a = __________.

Answer 4:

Let f(x) = ax3 + x2 – 2x + 4a – 9

It is given that one factor of f(x) is (x + 1).

Therefore, fx=0 when x=-1.

On putting x = –1 in f(x) = 0, we get


Hence, if x + 1 is a factor of the polynomial ax3 + x2 – 2x + 4a – 9, then a = 2.

Question 5:

If 3x – 1 is a factor of the polynomial 81x3 – 45x2 +3a – 6, then the value of a is ___________.

Answer 5:

Let f(x) = 81x3 – 45x2 +3a – 6

It is given that one factor of f(x) is (3x – 1).

Therefore, fx=0 when x=13.

On putting x = 13 in f(x) = 0, we get


Hence, if 3x – 1 is a factor of the polynomial 81x3 – 45x2 +3a – 6, then the value of a is 83.

Question 6:

The remainders obtained when x3 + x2 – 9x – 9 is divided by x, x + 1 and x + 2 respectively are _________.

Answer 6:

Let f(x) = x3 + x2 – 9– 9

To find the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x,

we use remainder theorem, put = 0.

f(0) is the remainder.


f(0) = (0)3 + (0)2 – 9(0) – 9
       = –9

Hence, the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x is –9.

To find the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x + 1,

put +1 = 0.

f(–1) is the remainder.


f(–1) = (–1)3 + (–1)2 – 9(–1) – 9
         = –1 + 1 + 9 – 9
         = 0

Hence, the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x + 1 is 0.

To find the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x + 2,

put +2 = 0.

f(–2) is the remainder.


f(–2) = (–2)3 + (–2)2 – 9(–2) – 9
         = –8 + 4 + 18 – 9
         = 5

Hence, the remainder obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x + 2 is 5.

Hence, the remainders obtained when x3 + x2 – 9– 9 is divided by x, x + 1 and x + 2 respectively are –9, 0 and 5.


Question 7:

The remainder when f(x) = 4x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 1 is divided by 2x + 1 is __________.

Answer 7:

Let f(x) = 4x– 3x2 + 2x – 1

To find the remainder obtained when 4x– 3x2 + 2x – 1 is divided by 2x + 1,

we use remainder theorem, put 2x + 1 = 0.

f(-12) is the remainder.


f-12=4-123-3-122+2-12-1           =4-18-314-1-1           =-12-34-2           =-2-3-84           =-134

Hence, the remainder when f(x) = 4x– 3x2 + 2x – 1 is divided by 2x + 1 is -134.

Question 8:

The degree of a polynomial f(x) is 7 and that of polynomial f(x) g(x) is 56, then degree of g(x) is ________.

Answer 8:

Degree of a polynomial f(x) = 7
Degree of polynomial f(xg(x) = 56

Degree of polynomial f(xg(x) = Degree of ​polynomial f(x) × Degree of ​polynomial g(x)
⇒ 56 = 7 × Degree of ​polynomial g(x)
⇒ Degree of ​polynomial g(x) = 567
⇒ Degree of ​polynomial g(x) = 8

Hence, degree of g(x) is 8.

Question 9:

The remainder when x15 is divided by x + 1 is __________.

Answer 9:

Let f(x) = x15

To find the remainder obtained when x15 is divided by x + 1,

we use remainder theorem, put x + 1 = 0.

f(−1) is the remainder.


f-1=-115        =-1

Hence, the remainder when x15 is divided by + 1 is −1.

Question 10:

If px=x2-4x+3, then p2-p-1+p12=_____________.

Answer 10:

Let p(x) =  x2 – 4x + 3

p2=22-42+3      =4-8+3      =-1p-1=-12-4-1+3         =1+4+3         =8p12=122-412+3        =14-2+3        =14+1        =1+44        =54Now,p2-p-1+p12=-1-8+54                              =-9+54                              =-36+54                              =-314

Hence, if px=x2-4x+3, then p2-p-1+p12=-314.

Question 11:

If the polynomial f(x) = 5x5 – 3x3 + 2x2k gives remainder 1 when divided by x + 1, then k = __________.

Answer 11:

Let f(x) = 5x5 – 3x3 + 2x2 – k

To find the remainder obtained when 5x5 – 3x3 + 2x2 – k is divided by x + 1,

we use remainder theorem, put x + 1 = 0.

f(−1) is the remainder.



Hence, k = –1.

Question 12:

The remainder when f(x) = x45 is divided by x2 – 1 is  ____________.

Answer 12:

Let f(x) =  x45

To find the remainder obtained when  x45 is divided by  x2 – 1,

Let the remainder (r) be ax + b.

f(x) =  (x2 – 1) q + r
x45=x2-1 q+ax+b      ...1Putting x=1 in equation 1, we get145=12-1 q+a1+b1=0+a+ba+b=1                              ...2Putting x=-1 in equation 1, we get-145=-12-1 q+a-1+b-1=0-a+b-a+b=-1                       ...3Solving 2 and 3, we getb=0 and a=1

Therefore, the remainder (r) = 1(x) + 0 = x.

Hence, the remainder when f(x) = x45 is divided by x2 – 1 is x.

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