RD Sharma 2020 solution class 9 chapter 2 Exponents of Real Numbers VSAQS



Question 1:

Write 625-1/4 in decimal form.

Answer 1:

We have to writein decimal form. So,

Hence the decimal form of is

Question 2:

State the product law of exponents.

Answer 2:

State the product law of exponents.
If is any real number and , are positive integers, then

By definition, we have 
(factor) ( factor)
to factors

Thus the exponent "product rule" tells us that, when multiplying two powers that have the same base, we can add the exponents. 

Question 3:

State the quotient law of exponents.

Answer 3:

The quotient rule tells us that we can divide two powers with the same base by subtracting the exponents. If a is a non-zero real number and m, n are positive integers, then
We shall divide the proof into three parts 
(i) when
(ii) when
(iii) when
Case 1 
We have 
aman=a×a×a....to m factorsa×a×a....to n factorsaman=a×a×a....to (m-n) factorsaman=am-n
Case 2 
We get

Cancelling common factors in numerator and denominator we get,

By definition we can write 1 as

Case 3 
In this case, we have 

Hence, whether, or,

Question 4:

State the power law of exponents.

Answer 4:

The "power rule" tell us that to raise a power to a power, just multiply the exponents. 
If a is any real number and m, n are positive integers, then
We have,


Question 5:

If 24 × 42 =16x, then find the value of x.

Answer 5:

We have to find the value of x provided


By equating the exponents we get

Hence the value of x is .

Question 6:

If 3x-1 = 9 and 4y+2 = 64, what is the value of xy ?

Answer 6:

We have to find the value of for


By equating the exponent we get

Let’s take

By equating the exponent we get

By substituting in we get

Hence the value of is

Question 7:

Write the value of 73×493.

Answer 7:

We have to find the value of . So,

By using law rational exponents we get,

Hence the value of is

Question 8:

Write 19-1/2×(64)-1/3 as a rational number.

Answer 8:

We have to find the value of . So,

Hence the value of the value of is .

Question 9:

Write the value of 125×273.

Answer 9:

We have to find the value of 125×273. So,


Hence the value of the value of is .

Question 10:

For any positive real number x, find the value of


Answer 10:

We have to find the value of L =

By using rational exponents, we get

By using rational exponents we get 

By definition we can write as 1

Hence the value of expression is .

Question 11:

Write the value of 5(81/3+271/3)31/4.

Answer 11:

We have to find the value of. So,

By using rational exponents we get 

Hence the simplified value of is

Question 12:

Simplify 625-1/2-1/42

Answer 12:

We have to simplify. So,

Hence, the value of is

Question 13:

For any positive real number x, write the value of


Answer 13:

We have to simplify. So,

By using rational exponents, we get

Hence the value of is

Question 14:

If (− 1)3 = 8, What is the value of (+ 1)2 ?

Answer 14:

We have to find the value of , where 


By equating the base, we get

By substituting in

Hence the value of is .

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