RD Sharma 2020 solution class 9 chapter 17 Heron's Formula FBQS



Question 1:

The side and altitude of an equilateral triangle are in the ratio __________.

Answer 1:

Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of side 'a' units and AD be the altitude of the triangle.

In ∆ABD,
AB = a units
BD a2 units

Using pythagoras theorem,
AB2=BD2+AD2a2=a22+AD2AD2=a2-a24AD2=4a2-a24AD2=3a24AD=32a      ...1

SideAltitude=ABAD            =a32a            =23

Hence, the side and altitude of an equilateral triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3.

Question 2:

If the area of an isosceles right-angled triangle is 72 cm2, then its perimeter is _________.

Answer 2:

Given: Area of an isosceles right-angled triangle is 72 cm2

Area of an isosceles right triangle=12×Base×Height                                                =12×Base×Base          Base=Height                                                =12×Base272=12×Base2144=Base2Base=12 cm =PerpendicularIn a right-angled triangle, using pythagoras theoremHypotenuse2=Base2+Perpendicular2                    =122+122                    =144+144                    =288Hypotenuse=288 cmHypotenuse=122 cmThus,Perimeter=12+12+122 =122+2 cm

Hence, its perimeter is 122+2 cm.

Question 3:

The height of an equilateral triangle is 3 a units. Then its area is _________.

Answer 3:

Given: The height of an equilateral triangle is 3a units.

Let ABC be an equilateral triangle of side 'x' units and AD be the altitude of the triangle of length 3a units.

In ∆ABD,
ABx units
BDx2 units

Using pythagoras theorem,
AB2=BD2+AD2x2=x22+3a23a2=x2-x243a2=4x2-x243a2=3x24a2=x24a=x2x=2a      ...1

Area of triangle=34×side2                      =34×2a2                      =34×4a2                      =3a2

Hence, its area is 3a2 sq. units.

Question 4:

The area of a triangle with base 4 cm and height 6 cm is __________.

Answer 4:

Base of the triangle = 4 cm
Height = 6 cm

Area of triangle=12×base×height                      =12×4×6                      =242                      =12 cm2

Hence, the area is 12 cm2.

Question 5:

ΔABC is an isosceles right triangle right-angled at A. If AB = 4 cm, then its area is _________.

Answer 5:

ΔABC is an isosceles right triangle right-angled at A
= 4 cm

Since, ΔABC is an isosceles right triangle right-angled at A
Therefore, AB = AC = 4 cm

In ∆ABC,
Area of triangle=12×base×height                      =12×AB×AC                      =12×4×4                      =8 cm2

Hence, its area is 8 cm2.

Question 6:

If the side of a rhombus is 10 cm and one diagonal is 16 cm, then its area is _________.

Answer 6:

The side of a rhombus is 10 cm
One diagonal is 16 cm

Let ABCD be a rhombus.
AB = 10 cm     ...(1)
AC = 16 cm     ...(2)

We know, the diagonals of a rhombus bisects each other at right angles.
Let the point of intersection of the diagonals be O.

AO = OC162=8 cm     ...(3)

In AOB,Using pythagoras theorem,AB2=AO2+BO2102=82+BO2100=64+BO2BO2=100-64BO2=36BO=6Thus, BD=2×BO              =2×6              =12 cm       ...4

Area of rhombus=12×product of diagonals                        =12×12×16    from 2 and 4                        =6×16                        =96 cm2

Hence, the area is 96 cm2.

Question 7:

The area of a regular hexagon of side 6 cm is __________.

Answer 7:

Given: The side of a regular hexagon is 6 cm.

We know, a hexagon is formed by joining 6 equilateral triangles together.
Area of hexagon=Area of 6 equilateral triangles                        =6×34×x2                        =6×34×62                        =6×34×36                        =6×9×3                        =543 cm2

Hence, the area of a regular hexagon of side 6 cm is 543 cm2.

Question 8:

The base of a right triangle is 8 cm and hypotenuse is 10 cm. Then its area is _________.

Answer 8:

The base of a right triangle is 8 cm
hypotenuse is 10 cm

Using pythagoras theorem,Hypotenuse2=Base2+Height2102=82+Height2100=64+Height2Height2=100-64Height2=36Height=6

Area of triangle=12×base×height                      =12×8×6                      =4×6                      =24 cm2

Hence, the area is 24 cm2.

Question 9:

Each side of a triangle is multiplied by with the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The sum of all such possible results is 6 times the product of sides. The triangle must be _________.

Answer 9:

Let the sides of the triangle be a, b and c.

According to the question,
ab2+c2+ba2+c2+cb2+a2=6abcab2+ac2+ba2+bc2+cb2+ca2=6abcab2+ac2+ba2+bc2+cb2+ca2-6abc=0ab2+ac2-2abc+ba2+bc2-2abc+cb2+ca2-2abc=0ab2+c2-2bc+ba2+c2-2ac+cb2+a2-2ab=0ab-c2+ba-c2+cb-a2=0b-c2=0 and a-c2=0 and b-a2=0b-c=0 and a-c=0 and b-a=0b=c and a=c and b=aa=b=c

Hence, the triangle must be equilateral.

Question 10:

In a scalene triangle, one side exceeds the other two sides by 4 cm and 5 cm respectively and the perimeter of the triangle is 36 cm. The area of the triangle is _________.

Answer 10:

Given: The perimeter of the triangle is 36 cm.

Let the sides of the triangle be ab and c.

According to the question,
b = a − 4 and c = ​a − 5

Perimeter of the triangle = a + b + c
36=a+a-4+a-536=3a-93a=36+93a=45a=15 cmb=a-4=15-4=11 cmc=a-5=15-5=10 cmTherefore, the sides are 15 cm, 11 cm and 10 cm.

Now, using Heron's formula:
If aand c are three sides of a triangle, then
area of the triangle = ss-as-bs-c , where s=a+b+c2.

Here, s=15+11+102=362=18

Area of triangle=1818-1518-1118-10                      =18378                      =3×3×2372×2×2                      =3×2×221                      =1221 cm2

Hence, the area of the triangle is 1221 cm2.

Question 11:

Among an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a scalene triangle, ________ has the maximum area if the perimeter of each triangle is same.

Answer 11:

We know, when the triangles have same perimeter, then the equilateral triangle have the greatest area.

Hence, among an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a scalene triangle, an equilateral triangle has the maximum area if the perimeter of each triangle is same.

Question 12:

Area of an isosceles triangle, one of whose equal side is 5 units and base 6 units is __________.

Answer 12:

Base  of isosceles triangle is 6 units.
equal sides of isosceles triangle is 5 units.

Now, using Heron's formula:
If aand c are three sides of a triangle, then
area of the triangle = ss-as-bs-c , where s=a+b+c2.

Here, s=6+5+52=162=8

Area of triangle=88-58-58-6                      =8332                      =2×2×2332                      =3×2×2                      =12 cm2

Hence, the area of the triangle is 12 cm2.

Question 13:

The sides of a scalene triangle are 11 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm. The length of the altitude corresponding to the side having length 12 cm is ________.

Answer 13:

The sides of a triangle are 11 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm respectively.

Let ABC be a triangle with sides
AB = 11 cm
BC = 12 cm
AC = 13 cm

Let AD be the altitude corresponding to the side having length 12 cm.

Using Heron's formula:
If aand c are three sides of a triangle, then
area of the triangle = ss-as-bs-c , where s=a+b+c2.

Here, s=11+12+132=362=18

Area of triangle=1818-1118-1218-13                      =18765                      =2×3×373×25                      =2×3105                      =6105 cm2

We know,
Area of triangle=12×Base×Height6105=12×12×AD105=ADAD=105 cm

Hence, the length of the altitude corresponding to the side having length 12 cm is 105 cm.

Question 14:

A ground is in the form of a triangle having sides 51 m, 37 m and 20 m. The cost of levelling the ground at the rate of ₹ 3 per m2 is __________.

Answer 14:

A ground is in the form of a triangle having sides 51 m, 37 m and 20 m.
The cost of levelling the ground per m2 is ₹ 3.

Using Heron's formula:
If aand c are three sides of a triangle, then
area of the triangle = ss-as-bs-c , where s=a+b+c2.

Here, s=51+37+202=1082=54

Area of triangle=5454-5154-3754-20                      =5431734                      =2×3×3×33172×17                      =3×3×2×17                      =306 m2

The cost of painting per m2 = ₹ 3
The cost of painting 306 m2 = ₹ 306 × 3
                                             = ₹ 918

Hence, the cost of levelling the ground at the rate of ₹ 3 per m2 is ₹ 918.

Question 15:

If each side of a triangle is doubled, then its area is __________ times the area of the original triangle.

Answer 15:

Let the base of the original triangle be a units and height be b units.

Then, the area of original triangle is 12ab     ...(1)

According to the question,
Each side of a triangle is doubled

Thus, base of the new triangle is 2a units and height is 2b units.

Area of new triangle = 12×2a×2b
                                  = 124ab
                                  = 4×12ab
                                  = 4 × area of original triangle           (from (1))

Hence, if each side of a triangle is doubled, then its area is 4 times the area of the original triangle.

Question 16:

In a triangle, the sum of any two sides exceeds the third by 6 cm. The area of the triangle is __________.

Answer 16:

In a triangle, the sum of any two sides exceeds the third by 6 cm.

Let the sides of the triangle be aand c.

According to the question,
a+b-c=6         ...1b+c-a=6         ...2a+c-b=6         ...3Adding 1, 2 and 3, we get2a+2b+2c-a-b-c=18a+b+c=18     ...4Subtracting 1 from 4, we geta+b+c-a-b+c=18-62c=12c=6                   ...5Subtracting 2 from 4, we geta+b+c-b-c+a=18-62a=12a=6                   ...6Subtracting 3 from 4, we geta+b+c-a-c+b=18-62b=12b=6                   ...7

From (5), (6) and (7),
a = b = c = 6 cm
⇒ triangle is equilateral

 Area=34×side2       =34×62       =34×36       =93 cm2

Hence, the area of the triangle is 93 cm2.

Question 17:

If the circumradius of a right triangle is 10 cm and one of the two perpendicular sides is 12 cm, then the area of the triangle is ________.

Answer 17:

The circumradius of a right triangle is 10 cm
One of the two perpendicular sides is 12 cm

We know, the circumradius of the right-angled triangle is half of its hypotenuse.

Hypotenuse=2×circumradius                 =2×10                 =20 cm

Using Pythagoras theorem,
 Hypotenuse2=Base2+Perpendicular2202=Base2+122400=Base2+144Base2=400-144Base2=256Base=16 cmArea of right triangle=12×Base×Height                             =12×16×12                             =8×12                             =96 cm2

Hence, the area of the triangle is 96 cm2.

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