RD Sharma 2020 solution class 9 chapter 12 Congruent Triangles VSAQS



Question 1:

In two congruent triangles ABC and DEF, if AB = DE and BC = EF. Name the pairs of equal angles.

Answer 1:

It is given that

Since, the triangles ABC and DEF are congruent, therefore,

Question 2:

In two triangles ABC and DEF, it is given that ∠A = ∠D, ∠B = ∠E and ∠C =∠F. Are the two triangles necessarily congruent?

Answer 2:

It is given that

For necessarily triangle to be congruent, sides should also be equal.


Question 3:

If ABC and DEF are two triangles such that AC = 2.5 cm, BC = 5 cm, ∠C = 75°, DE = 2.5 cm, DF = 5cm and ∠D = 75°. Are two triangles congruent?

Answer 3:

It is given that

Since, two sides and angle between them are equal, therefore triangle ABC and DEF are congruent.

Question 4:

In two triangles ABC and ADC, if AB = AD and BC = CD. Are they congruent?

Answer 4:

The given information and corresponding figure is given below

From the figure, we have


Hence, triangles ABC and ADC are congruent to each other.

Question 5:

In triangles ABC and CDE, if AC = CE, BC = CD, ∠A = 60°, ∠C = 30° and ∠D = 90°.
Are two triangles congruent?

Answer 5:

For the triangles ABC and ECD, we have the following information and corresponding figure:

In triangles ABC and ECD, we have

The SSA criteria for two triangles to be congruent are being followed. So both the triangles are congruent.

Question 6:

ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. BE and CF are its two medians. Show that BE = CF.

Answer 6:

In the triangle ABC it is given that 

, and are medians.

We have to show that

To show we will show that

In triangle ΔBFC and ΔBEC

As, so 


BC=BC (common sides)   ........(2)


As F and E are mid points of sides AB and AC respectively, so

BF = CE         ..........(3)

From equation (1), (2), and (3)


Question 7:

Find the measure of each angle of an equilateral triangle.

Answer 7:

In equilateral triangle we know that each angle is equal


Now (by triangle property)


Question 8:

CDE is an equilateral triangle formed on a side CD of a square ABCD. Show that ΔADE ΔBCE.

Answer 8:

We have to prove that

Given is a square


Now in is equilateral triangle.


In and

(Side of triangle)

(Side of equilateral triangle)



Hence from congruence Proved.


Question 9:

Prove that the sum of three altitudes of a triangle is less than the sum of its sides.

Answer 9:

We have to prove that the sum of three altitude of the triangle is less than the sum of its sides.

In we have

, and

We have to prove 

As we know perpendicular line segment is shortest in length


So     ........(1)



Adding (1) and (2) we get


Now, so


And again, this implies that


Adding (3) & (4) and (5) we have


Question 10:

In the given figure, if AB = AC and ∠B = ∠C. Prove that BQ = CP.

Answer 10:

It is given that

, and

We have to prove that

We basically will prove to show

In and



And is common in both the triangles

So all the properties of congruence are satisfied


Hence Proved.

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